My environment:

And Prism Central 2024.2
I have some old NX-1465-G5 appliance and try to deploy AOS 6.10 as I been told in this topic
Compatibility Check: Upgrading Nutanix NX-1465-G5 to AOS 6.10 | Nutanix Community
My procedure was:
- Install last CE on my appliance (all 4 nodes)
- Run Foundation tool
- Deploy Prism Central via Prism-Element (after config a network and set NTP / DNS servers)
- Connect Prism-Element to Prism-Central
About the end of the PC deployment (post-install stage) I get the error:
Encountered Exception in post_deployment step: Failed to enable micro services infrastructure on PC: deploy msp:Error deploying addons: failed to deploy monitoring addon: failed to deploy and verify kube-prometheus: failed to verify kube-prometheus: Operation timed out: failed to verify kube-prometheus: expecting 1 available replica of k8s prometheus in ntnx-system namespace. Currently running: 0
But the
Now, at Prism-Central, Under Microsementation (That I need to enable), I cant to enable the feature

and I get the error
Network Controller service is down
Now, running mspctl debug run fail in one test:
ERROR MESSSAGE: Cmd mspctl cluster health prism-central --output=json failed, ret 1 out 2024-10-30T10:14:30.707Z cluster.go:375: [ERROR] Error getting cluster health for cluster prism-central: [GET /cluster/health][503] getClusterHealthServiceUnavailable &{Message:Cluster Health error: cluster health failed: Msp deployment has not completed, cannot do check health StatusCode:503}
Error: failed to get cluster health with error: [GET /cluster/health][503] getClusterHealthServiceUnavailable &{Message:Cluster Health error: cluster health failed: Msp deployment has not completed, cannot do check health StatusCode:503}
err None
and follow https://portal.nutanix.com/page/documents/kbs/details?targetId=kA07V000000LcgXSAS
all pods are running except
ntnx-system prometheus-k8s-0 0/3 Pending 0 23h
What can I do to solve this? I need to enable the micro segmentation