LACP Configuration on HPE DX380 Gen10 Nutanix AHV Server. | Nutanix Community
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LACP Configuration on HPE DX380 Gen10 Nutanix AHV Server.

  • August 16, 2022
  • 1 reply


we have three new hpe dx380 gen 10 servers for nutanix AHV installation, Can we configure LACP on the Nutanix AHV cluster with new HPE server? 

what is the prerequisite for LACP configuration, and what we need to do?

1 reply

Peter Seidl

Hi Santosh, 

you configure LACP in AHV at the distributed switch in Prism.
This should be hardware independent on the nutanix side and your switches of course should support LACP Active/Active.

Prism 5.20 - Network Management (

The Prism configuration of LACP will then take care of the configuration at the host level. 

I hope this helps.


BR, Peter