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Question on Local disk vs NFS Datastore

  • 13 September 2016
  • 4 replies

A rather simple question :)

Once the NFS Datastore has been presented to the nodes, each node shows the NFS Datastore and the Local disk as available storage.

My question is, how do others deal with this scenario? What is to stop an admin from storing data to the local data store as opposed to the NFS data store which is where you want them to store their VM's? Curious how others have dealt with this.


NCC will complain loud and proud if you put any VM's on the local disk (i.e sata DOM).

Past that, you could put all of the local disk objects in their own folder in the storage view in vSphere, and restrict access to it. Done that a ton with customers pre-nutanix as well as here at Nutanix

Your point is well taken and you are correct that there is no mechaism to restrict admins to store User VMs on the local datastore. But we do have Nutanix cluster check (NCC) which checks whether any User VM is being stored on the local datastore.

Though we don't have the pro-active rail guard but we do have system in place to detect this anamoly and flag it. Hope I have answered your concern :)

Thanks for the quick response. Was very helpful and exactly the info i was looking for.

If this is a major concern, you may also want to consider using permissions in vCenter to isolate your standard users from being able to allocate space on the local datastores.