Basics of MOVE | Nutanix Community
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Basics of MOVE

  • September 25, 2021
  • 0 replies


Nutanix Move is a cross-hypervisor mobility solution to move VMs with minimal downtime. Move supports migration from the following sources to targets, where first platform being the source and second platform being the target.


MOVE-where to where?

From ESXi to AHV, Legacy ESXi to Nutanix ESXi,AHV to EC2, Azure to AHV, Azure to ESXi on Nutanix,Hyper V to ESXi on Nutanix,HyperV to AHV, HyperV to Nutanix on AWS.


What can MOVE do for you?

Migration of power on/off VMs,pause and resume migration,schedule the migration activity,centralized platform for migration between several clusters,schedule data-seeding for the virtual machines in advance and cut over to a new AHV cluster, cancel migrations, monitor the migration activity at granular level.


Deployment of MOVE

The MOVE package is available in the downloads section of the portal and can be installed on AHV or ESXi. Move must be able to communicate with vCenter Server on port 443, ESXi hosts on 902 and 443, and AHV on 9440. The move package must be downloaded onto the local desktop and run the binary from the local operating system. The move cli needs to be invoked using the command:

$binary_name -c cluster_virtual_ip_address

In the above command, Cluster VIP can be either given in IP or FQDN form.

The detailed explanation of MOVE deployment can be found in the link:

MOVE Services and their roles:


Management server: Orchestrator,responsible for the UI to load perfectly.It exposes the REST APIs to source and target.

Source Agent: Agent working on the source end of the migration. Responsible for enabling Change block tracking, shut off the source VM, transporting the last snapshot before the VM boots up on the destination host.

Target Agent: Agent working on the destination end of the migration, which is usually AHV. Responsible for collecting cluster information, mounting necessary container to move during migration,starts up the VM on the destination host and unmount the container after migration is successful.


SSH into MOVE:

Use admin and default password and direct to root from there to gain maximal privileges over the appliance and to leverage movecli.

To collect log bundles from the appliance itself,

admin@move$ rs

[sudo] password for admin:

root@move$ /opt/xtract-vm/scripts/

To collect move logs from esxcli,

root@esxi# vmfs/volumes/<datastore>/<VM_Name>/vmware.log

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