Adding automatically static Horizon desktop to protection domain | Nutanix Community
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i've realized a project with two nutanix cluster and Horizon VDI with static desktop.Desktop are replicated with protection domain between two sites.

Someone know if in Nutanix there is a method to add automatically desktops to a protection domain?

Thank you and best regards

I know what you're talking about (basically a "policy" based approach to replicating desktops as they come online), and we don't have that today; however, If you're up for a small bit of scripting, this is doable.

I've seen a post over in the Scripts section of the community that does something very similar, don't recall what it was titled offhand, but a slight bit of digging should reveal some goodness.
Also, adding  while we're at it, as he's the PM for the DR feature here at Nutanix.
Thank you for your answer.

I will look at scripting section.

Will be very usefull a function in PD Async Replica to use a dynamic name adding with wildcard as for backup products.

Best regards
In the script section i can't find the script you refer to.

Can you send me this script?

Thank you
I Maybe something like this could help,

you could just replicate the user disks.... the restore could be ugly but something worth looking into
Thank you this script it is very usefull