HI Team
I have installed the necessary softwares to execute Nutanix Powershell Cmdlets from my MAC. But while executing Connect-PrismCentral cmdlets it’s throwing the below error. Prism Central IP is correct in the command and ping to this machine is also working. I can able to access the Prism Central web UI also.
PS /Users/maharanaak> Connect-PrismCentral -Server X.X.X.X -UserName admin -AcceptInvalidSSLCerts
cmdlet Connect-PrismCentral at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
Password: ************
Connect-PrismCentral: Error from X.X.X.X: Could not connect. Please make sure to the remote server is Prism Central.
Please let me know what to troubleshoot the issue. Attaching some screenshots for reference.