In the process of installing the nx-8235-g7 equipment, the foundation cannot perform IPMI MAC ADDRESS DISCOVERY.
When the installation was powered on, it was booted into Phoenix.iso and the IPMI IP setting was possible, so the installation was possible with the foundation. Is there any change in IPMI MAC DISCOVERY method from G7 equipment? And when the equipment is received and powered on, it boots into Phoenix.iso. Can you know what this is?
And starting from g7, is the IPMI DEFAULT PASSWORD indicated by a sticker on the back of the device where the ipmi ID/PASSWORD is not ADMIN/ADMIN?
G6 AND G7 PLATFORMS: BMC 7.08 changes the default IPMI password so that every node ships from the factory with a unique password. The new default IPMI credentials are username = ADMIN and password = node-serial-number
G6 AND G7 PLATFORMS: BMC 7.08 changes the default IPMI password so that every node ships from the factory with a unique password. The new default IPMI credentials are username = ADMIN and password = node-serial-number
I hope all is well? Has Tapati M. provided you with the answers you seek?
wrt the pheonix.iso, this is the utility used to ‘off-line’ boot the system to perform the Foundation (there is a to re-direct the boot process back to the HV). Others here will be able to tell you more should you require.
We did have issues at various time with the auto-discovery. In our case some places the top-of-rack gear did not support IP v6 auto-discovery. Swapped in a simple switch and we were back in the game.