Unable to License your cluster due to message “License Class and License mode cannot be Appliance” or “NX LOD for NCI Ultimate” message. | Nutanix Community
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Unable to License your cluster due to message “License Class and License mode cannot be Appliance” or “NX LOD for NCI Ultimate” message.

  • November 19, 2024
  • 1 reply

Nutanix Employee

There are occasions in which you try to apply licenses and come across the following message:

"License class and license mode cannot be appliance and NX-LOD for NCI Ultimate."

The reason for this message could be related to the Block/Node configuration or possible LOD to CBL conversion that still has pending actions. Please follow the article we have created to resolve this issue. A full description and further details are covered in the link below.


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Stephen Smith
Nutanix Employee
  • Nutanix Employee
  • 12 replies
  • November 20, 2024

Thanks for this Antonio!!    🤓 

We see this one in the field frequently enough and it can sometimes be difficult to troubleshoot and determine the root cause.    

Often it ends up being a discrepancy with one data field in our database corresponding to the actual cluster information in the customer environment.   🙂