Compatibility Check: Upgrading Nutanix NX-1465-G5 to AOS 6.10 | Nutanix Community
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I have some older Nutanix hardware: the NX-1465-G5. It’s currently running an outdated version of AOS. I’m looking to reinstall the appliance with version 6.10. Is the G5 model compatible with AOS 6.10? Is there compatibility for my equipment?


You can run CE on it and then upgrade that to 6.10. 

I download phoenix and create bootable with rufus as explained in  How to Install Community Edition Episode 1 | Nutanix University (

  1. Do I need VirtoIO also? 

Each node in my NX-1045-G5 appliance has:

USB 2 × USB 3.0 (on-board)
VGA 1 × VGA connector per node (15 pin female)

Since I connect directly with screen monitor and keyboard.

Therefore, I have only 1 USB slot available, I plug only the phoenix USB.

  1. It is possible to run CE with only USB pluged-in each time?

But now I get this error:



Eviatar Shaul

to install CE, you will need SSD and normal HDD (hot and cold storage).you can install the CE via bootable USB to your hardware.(SSD and HDD).


@EShaul here is a guide to do it ;)

I succeeded to install AOS 6.10 and compatible AHV on my Nutanix appliance and form a cluster with Foundation tool.

But now I have 1 node that do not join to the cluster, it still in CE and do not upgrade well. Is there a way to upgrade separately that node to expand the cluster (to work with all 4 nodes that I have)? 

Reinstall that specific node with ce, create a single node cluster from it. Upgrade to the same version as your existing cluster. Then destroy the single node cluster and expand the existing with this node. 

That Fix my problem. Thanks a lot!


I have written a guide to force updates into not supported hardware:

Obviously, the procedure is not supported 😀



I have written a guide to force updates into not supported hardware:

Obviously, the procedure is not supported 😀


Here is a guide to do it via the gui/lcm 😉 easier ;)


I have written a guide to force updates into not supported hardware:

Obviously, the procedure is not supported 😀


Here is a guide to do it via the gui/lcm 😉 easier ;)

Your guide is for the Community Edition, but my guide is dedicated to the complete version. 😁


I have written a guide to force updates into not supported hardware:

Obviously, the procedure is not supported 😀


Here is a guide to do it via the gui/lcm 😉 easier ;)

Your guide is for the Community Edition, but my guide is dedicated to the complete version. 😁

Works the same ;)