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Create VM via one of Catalog Items created earlier using REST API?

  • 1 March 2021
  • 4 replies

I want to create to vm’s using REST API by selecting one of Catalog Items.

I can create vm via catalog items via Prism Central Dashboard.

When i try to create vm via REST API, i can not find any reference to give Catalogs Items vm  template there.

How to give vm templates in vm creation using REST API?

Hey, @Balram let me research this and try it out in my test lab and get back to you soon.:sweat_smile:

Hey @Balram so I tried researching and finding more on this.

Not sure how that works, to be honest. You can clone existing vdisks when creating a new VM, but not sure what API calls to use for catalogue items. You can try one thing see if that API is supported by using Chrome Dev Tools while creating a VM via catalogue items via Prism Central and see what actions are using when doing the call.

Hi Balram,

There is no API to complete the tasks form a PC unfortunately but you can do achieve this from a PE if that’s an option for you. Rest api for creating vm from image services not working

@Balram This is a good requirement. We have this need too as we just rolled out Self-Service and want to allow some developers use the REST API to provision VMs from catalog items. However, I don’t find any mention of catalog items in the API. We were told that there’s a REST API call made available for everything that we do in UI, but that’s certainly not the case.