I agree w Dominix_pf’s recommendations + adding a few thoughts:
This largely depends on the types of ToR switches you have (Managed/Unmanaged - VLAN capable?)
If switch is VLAN capable, you should create a separate VLAN on the switch for Guests running on the cluster (upstream router will have to know about this subnet too), add the network to the Nutanix (AHV) cluster and then you’ll be able to pick that vlan in the VM’s NIC configuration.
I believe AHV has the option to do “management” (IPAM - DHCP like features) in case your router doesn’t have that option.
If your ToR switches are not VLAN capable then your CVM/Hypervisor and Guest VM traffic will probably be sharing the same Subnet (which is not really best practice/recommended for security reasons.) Nutanix CVMs create internal Firewall rules that permit some inbound traffic from the same subnet as the CVMs/Hypervisor’s Management IPs. By putting Guest VM traffic into this same network, it presents another attack surface… for small environments this may be “ok” but I don’t think it’s best practice.
AHV Networking (nutanix.com)
The Nutanix Bible