Cluster IP address change | Nutanix Community
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Cluster IP address change

  • December 7, 2019
  • 0 replies

  • Nutanix Employee
  • 111 replies

Every once in a while due to network infra structure changes or because you have to physical move the cluster to another location, you may have to modify the Cluster IP.

This includes CVM, Hypervisor and IPMI  ip addresses, netmask and default gateways


Unfortunately this operation requires taking some down time as you will need to stop the cluster for the duration of change.

Before you start, you need to:

1- Clearing the external virtual ip address of the cluster , and setting new ip address for it

2- Ensuring that the Ntp and Dns servers of the cluster are reachable from new CVM ip address and if they are going to be different, remove the old addresses and add the new ones

3- Check that all hosts are part of metadata store

You need to consider 3 different scenarios:

1- Change the IP addresses of the CVMs in the same subnet.

2- Change the IP addresses of the CVMs to a new or different subnet.

3- Change the IP addresses of the CVMs to a new or different subnet if you are moving the cluster to a new physical location.


To perform the tasks:

1- Stop the cluster first

2- Use the provided script in the CVM called: external_ip_reconfig

3- Change CVM ip addresses first, and then hypervisor’s

5- Restart CVMs

6- Check CVMs are up and communicating

7- Change Ipmi address if required

8- Check all processes are up 

9- Change Ipmi ip address

10- Start the cluster

For a more complete and step by step performing the task, please review the document

and ask any questions.




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