We’re excited to announce the availability of our new Nutanix Kubernetes Platform Administration (NKPA) course and free beta certification exam opportunity for the new corresponding certification, Nutanix Certified Professional - Cloud Native (NCP-CN).
New Training
Nutanix Kubernetes Platform Administration (NKPA)
This course teaches you how to deploy, configure, and manage the Nutanix Kubernetes Platform (NKP), a fully turnkey solution built on pure upstream Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) conformant Kubernetes.
Delivery Format
- 24-hour self-paced online (free)
- Instructor-led coming soon
New Beta Certification Exam
[The NCP-CN beta exam has reached capacity and is now closed.]
The new Nutanix Certified Professional - Cloud Native (NCP-CN) beta certification exam will measure your ability to deploy, configure, optimize, troubleshoot, and perform administrative tasks on a NKP cluster. Register now for the first available dates starting January 28, 2025. As a beta tester, you get free early access to the exam and help us refine the final version. Download the Exam Blueprint Guide to learn more and view the objectives that are covered on the beta exam.
To sign up for the beta exam, visit My Certifications on Nutanix University and select the NCP-CN exam. Don’t wait, this offer is only available to the first 250 participants and the last day to test is March 10, 2025.
Give us a thumbs up if you would like to enroll in the NKPA course or take part in the NCP-CN beta exam. 👍
This article was written by Karlie Beil, Sr. Customer Marketing Specialist.
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