Upgrading Calm VM with Lifecycle Manager | Nutanix Community
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Upgrading Calm VM with Lifecycle Manager

  • January 10, 2022
  • 0 replies

  • Nutanix Employee
  • 69 replies

You can upgrade to newer versions of Calm without performing a VM upgrade. Upgrades to most minor releases and few major releases are done using the LCM method.

LCM performs inventory and Calm/Epsilon upgrade operations fail using the default LCM URL. The workaround is to replace the LCM repository URL to http://download.nutanix.com/lcm/saas under the LCM > Settings.

To upgrade Calm VM using the LCM method, do the following:



  1. Click Administration > LCM to open the LCM page.

  2. Click Perform Inventory.
    A confirmation window appears.

  3. Click Proceed.
    The Perform Inventory process can take several minutes depending on your cluster size. Once completed, you can view the available updates in the Software page.

  4. Select the check-box next to the Calm VM version that you want to upgrade. Then, click Update.
    Note that the Epsilon check-box also gets selected. Epsilon is the orchestration engine used by Calm.

A confirmation window appears.

Once the update process begins, it cannot be stopped or paused.

6. Click Apply Updates to complete.
If you do not have internet access, use the dark-site method to upgrade Calm. 

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