We have upgrade a old cluster from AHV to but one node are’nt upgrade. And I can perfom the upgrade by web. Is it possible to upgrade one node by cli ?
Moreover can upgrade to the ahv 7 ?
Kind regards
I'm a bit confused. Do you want to upgrade AOS or AHV? As AHV 7 doesn't exist. It is AOS 7 or AHV 10.
Can you post the error you received?
Hi Jereon,
Yes Sorry, i think I made a mistake :D.
The error message is NTNX_LCM_UPGRADE_FAILURE_ALERT : Upgrade operation failed.
Upgrade operation failed : Error LCM failed performing action enter_host_mm in phase PreActions on ip address Failed with error 'Timed out putting host into maintenance mode. _submit_maintenance_mode_task failed with error code 21, error message HostEvacuationFailure: Failed to evacuate 2/2 VMs:
- 2: UncaughtException: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/ergon/client/legacy/base_task.py", line 533, in _resume
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/host.py", line 80, in wrapper
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/vm/migrate_task.py", line 360, in _run
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/vm/migrate_task.py", line 513, in _migrate_loop
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 24, in __exit__
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/vm/migrate_task.py", line 494, in _migrate_loop
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/vm/migrate_task.py", line 1018, in _migrate
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/migrate_mixin.py", line 55, in wrapper
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/libvirt_connection.py", line 294, in wrapper
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/migrate_mixin.py", line 342, in migrate_vm
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/migrate_mixin.py", line 232, in _migrate_vm
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/migrate_mixin.py", line 982, in _init_migrate_vm
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/disk_mixin.py", line 205, in write_frodo_disk_map
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/disk_mixin.py", line 382, in _get_disk_dev_map
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/vmdisk/manager.py", line 79, in target_name
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'iscsi_target_name'
.The changes made by pre-actions on node have been automatically reverted.'
two node are update but the third no.
kind regards
Hi Jereon,
The error message is NTNX_LCM_UPGRADE_FAILURE_ALERT : Upgrade operation failed.
with this description log :
Upgrade operation failed : Error LCM failed performing action enter_host_mm in phase PreActions on ip address Failed with error 'Timed out putting host into maintenance mode. _submit_maintenance_mode_task failed with error code 21, error message HostEvacuationFailure: Failed to evacuate 2/2 VMs:
- 2: UncaughtException: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/ergon/client/legacy/base_task.py", line 533, in _resume
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/host.py", line 80, in wrapper
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/vm/migrate_task.py", line 360, in _run
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/vm/migrate_task.py", line 513, in _migrate_loop
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 24, in __exit__
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/vm/migrate_task.py", line 494, in _migrate_loop
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/vm/migrate_task.py", line 1018, in _migrate
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/migrate_mixin.py", line 55, in wrapper
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/libvirt_connection.py", line 294, in wrapper
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/migrate_mixin.py", line 342, in migrate_vm
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/migrate_mixin.py", line 232, in _migrate_vm
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/migrate_mixin.py", line 982, in _init_migrate_vm
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/disk_mixin.py", line 205, in write_frodo_disk_map
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/hypervisor/kvm/disk_mixin.py", line 382, in _get_disk_dev_map
File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/acropolis/vmdisk/manager.py", line 79, in target_name
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'iscsi_target_name'
.The changes made by pre-actions on node have been automatically reverted.'
Hi Jeroen,
The error message is :
Upgrade operation failed : Error LCM failed performing action enter_host_mm in phase PreActions on ip address Failed with error 'Timed out putting host into maintenance mode. _submit_maintenance_mode_task failed with error code 21, error message HostEvacuationFailure: Failed to evacuate 2/2 VMs:
Hi Jeroen,
this is a part of the error message on the prism element
Upgrade operation failed : Error LCM failed performing action enter_host_mm in phase PreActions on ip address Failed with error 'Timed out putting host into maintenance mode. _submit_maintenance_mode_task failed with error code 21, error message HostEvacuationFailure: Failed to evacuate 2/2 VMs:
Kind regards
Hi Jeroen,
Sorry for late, I post message, but didn’t appear.
The error message is : Upgrade operation failed : Error LCM failed performing action enter_host_mm in phase PreActions on ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. Failed with error 'Timed out putting host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx into maintenance mode. _submit_maintenance_mode_task failed with error code 21, error message
Hi Jereon,
Sorry for late. My message don’t post.
Error message is :
failed with error code 21, error message HostEvacuationFailure: Failed to evacuate 2/2 VMs
you may try to move the VMs manually to see why the host evacuation fails.it can be due to resource constraints or the vms are pinned to only one host.
Hi Manfred,
Thanks you for your answer, yes I would like to do this. but after move this vm, how can i relaunch the upgrade ?
Kind regards
just evacuate and then start the upgrade again, it should work for you.
BTW, AOS is different from AHV, when you talk about AOS, it means the os on top of CVM .AHV is the name of the hypervisor in nutanix.they are not same.
Hi Jamali,
Thanks you for your answers, however I can’t upgrade again. I can’t relaunch it in the prism element
Kind regards
what is the LCM is showing you ?
you need to provide more details.
send below command output as well:
connect to one of CVM as ssh and run below commands:
#cs | grep -v UP
#svmips -d
#nodetool -h 0 ring
#zeus_config_printer | is_degraded
#cs | grep -v UP
2025-02-17 14:34:03,429Z INFO MainThread zookeeper_session.py:191 cluster is attempting to connect to Zookeeper
2025-02-17 14:34:03,431Z INFO Dummy-1 zookeeper_session.py:625 ZK session establishment complete, sessionId=0x294adecca72fea9, negotiated timeout=20 secs
2025-02-17 14:34:03,436Z INFO MainThread cluster:2943 Executing action status on SVMs,,
The state of the cluster: start
Lockdown mode: Disabled
CVM: Up, ZeusLeader
2025-02-17 14:34:06,455Z INFO MainThread cluster:3104 Success!
#svmips -d -> 6 -> 7 -> 8
#nodetool -h 0 ring Up Normal 16.35 GB 33.33% Up Normal 16.39 GB 33.33% Up Normal 18.79 GB 33.33%
#zeus_config_printer | is_degraded
******* LCM framework auto update status *********
It is a 3 node cluster
Mapping of svmips to node uuids: -> 26376f3d-e64b-4806-9ec9-edb3da697b0e -> bd9d8928-6886-4619-a8e1-3b0d30d11ac0 -> 2cb6880a-44e8-4964-ab79-79f4faf44e42
Lcm leader is at
LCM update intent:
LCM version as per zknodes /appliance/logical/lcm/update/*
26376f3d-e64b-4806-9ec9-edb3da697b0e -> 3.1.56788
2cb6880a-44e8-4964-ab79-79f4faf44e42 -> 3.1.56788
bd9d8928-6886-4619-a8e1-3b0d30d11ac0 -> 3.1.56788
LCM version as per ~/cluster/config/lcm/version.txt
================== =================
================== =================
================== =================
LCM schema version:
md5sum of ~/cluster/config/lcm/idf/* on all nodes ************
================== =================
73cb27921c8725f14b7be9bfa7cb35d7 /home/nutanix/cluster/config/lcm/idf/entity_attribute_config.proto.template
fd51fb3bd8017a98e1d6daa6fdcbb812 /home/nutanix/cluster/config/lcm/idf/entity_type_config.proto.template
================== =================
73cb27921c8725f14b7be9bfa7cb35d7 /home/nutanix/cluster/config/lcm/idf/entity_attribute_config.proto.template
fd51fb3bd8017a98e1d6daa6fdcbb812 /home/nutanix/cluster/config/lcm/idf/entity_type_config.proto.template
================== =================
73cb27921c8725f14b7be9bfa7cb35d7 /home/nutanix/cluster/config/lcm/idf/entity_attribute_config.proto.template
fd51fb3bd8017a98e1d6daa6fdcbb812 /home/nutanix/cluster/config/lcm/idf/entity_type_config.proto.template
******* LCM Mercury enabled? *********
******* LCM Mercury configuration status *********
26376f3d-e64b-4806-9ec9-edb3da697b0e -> 1.3
2cb6880a-44e8-4964-ab79-79f4faf44e42 -> 1.3
bd9d8928-6886-4619-a8e1-3b0d30d11ac0 -> 1.3
When was LCM framework updated and genesis restarted?
================== =================
================== =================
================== =================
Genesis restarts on all nodes happened at:
================== =================
================== =================
================== =================
LCM version from logs:
================== =================
================== =================
================== =================
Did LCM service start on all nodes / errors in starting LCM ?
================== =================
================== =================
================== =================
Last service started on all nodes
================== =================
================== =================
================== =================
Running python version - Python 2.7.5
Could not get the metric information for the following operation list:
LCM autoupdate is not in progress
Incomplete upgrades which block 1-click:
[{'entity_class': u'Hypervisor', 'entity_model': u'AHV hypervisor'}]
Ongoing upgrades in current batch:
No upgrade is in progress
Finished upgrades:
Up to 5 previously finished upgrade batches listed in descending order of upgrade start time:
Upgrade of entity Hypervisor(AHV hypervisor), on host ( from version [el7.nutanix.20220304.478] to version [el7.nutanix.20220304.511] started on 2025-01-28-18:02:58, finished on 2025-01-28-18:19:51
Upgrade of entity Hypervisor(AHV hypervisor), on host ( from version [el7.nutanix.20220304.478] to version [el7.nutanix.20220304.511] started on 2025-01-28-17:44:58, finished on 2025-01-28-18:00:37
Upgrade of entity LICENSING SERVICE(Licensing), on host ( from version [LM.2022.2.1] to version [LM.2022.2.5] started on 2025-01-28-17:40:18, finished on 2025-01-28-17:40:33
Upgrade of entity LICENSING SERVICE(Licensing), on host ( from version [LM.2022.2.1] to version [LM.2022.2.5] started on 2025-01-28-17:39:47, finished on 2025-01-28-17:40:09
Upgrade of entity LICENSING SERVICE(Licensing), on host ( from version [LM.2022.2.1] to version [LM.2022.2.5] started on 2025-01-28-17:39:21, finished on 2025-01-28-17:39:39
Upgrade of entity Core Cluster(AOS), on host ( from version [] to version [] started on 2025-01-28-16:59:30, finished on 2025-01-28-17:39:12
Upgrade of entity Core Cluster(Foundation), on host ( from version [5.5] to version [5.7] started on 2025-01-28-16:52:55, finished on 2025-01-28-16:59:23
Upgrade of entity Core Cluster(FSM), on host ( from version [] to version [] started on 2025-01-28-16:50:15, finished on 2025-01-28-16:52:48
Upgrade of entity Core Cluster(NCC), on host ( from version [] to version [] started on 2025-01-28-16:49:13, finished on 2025-01-28-16:50:08
Upgrade of entity Cluster Service(Foundation Platforms), on host ( from version [2.14] to version [2.14.1] started on 2024-02-16-10:58:18, finished on 2024-02-16-10:58:49
Upgrade of entity Cluster Service(Foundation Platforms), on host ( from version [2.14] to version [2.14.1] started on 2024-02-16-10:57:41, finished on 2024-02-16-10:58:11
Upgrade of entity Cluster Service(Foundation Platforms), on host ( from version [2.14] to version [2.14.1] started on 2024-02-16-10:57:03, finished on 2024-02-16-10:57:34
Upgrade of entity BIOS (Redfish)(BIOS Firmware Skylake X11DPT-B), on host ( from version [PB60.001] to version [PB80.001] started on 2024-02-15-16:22:24, finished on 2024-02-15-16:28:52
Upgrade of entity BIOS (Redfish)(BIOS Firmware Skylake X11DPT-B), on host ( from version [PB60.001] to version [PB80.001] started on 2024-02-15-16:16:54, finished on 2024-02-15-16:28:55
Upgrade of entity BIOS (Redfish)(BIOS Firmware Skylake X11DPT-B), on host ( from version [PB60.001] to version [PB80.001] started on 2024-02-15-15:55:19, finished on 2024-02-15-16:09:40
Upgrade of entity BMCs (Redfish)(NX Gen11 BMC), on host ( from version [07.14.01] to version [07.15.00] started on 2024-02-15-15:36:33, finished on 2024-02-15-15:55:16
Upgrade of entity BIOS (Redfish)(BIOS Firmware Skylake X11DPT-B), on host ( from version [PB60.001] to version [PB80.001] started on 2024-02-15-15:28:29, finished on 2024-02-15-15:34:21
Upgrade of entity BIOS (Redfish)(BIOS Firmware Skylake X11DPT-B), on host ( from version [PB60.001] to version [PB80.001] started on 2024-02-15-15:07:34, finished on 2024-02-15-15:21:39
Upgrade of entity BIOS (Redfish)(BIOS Firmware Skylake X11DPT-B), on host ( from version [PB60.001] to version [PB80.001] started on 2024-02-15-15:07:34, finished on 2024-02-15-15:34:21
Upgrade of entity BMCs (Redfish)(NX Gen11 BMC), on host ( from version [07.14.01] to version [07.15.00] started on 2024-02-15-14:49:02, finished on 2024-02-15-15:07:34
Upgrade of entity BIOS (Redfish)(BIOS Firmware Skylake X11DPT-B), on host ( from version [PB60.001] to version [PB80.001] started on 2024-02-15-14:42:14, finished on 2024-02-15-14:48:07
Upgrade of entity BIOS (Redfish)(BIOS Firmware Skylake X11DPT-B), on host ( from version [PB60.001] to version [PB80.001] started on 2024-02-15-14:20:41, finished on 2024-02-15-14:34:46
Upgrade of entity BIOS (Redfish)(BIOS Firmware Skylake X11DPT-B), on host ( from version [PB60.001] to version [PB80.001] started on 2024-02-15-14:20:41, finished on 2024-02-15-14:48:07
Upgrade of entity BMCs (Redfish)(NX Gen11 BMC), on host ( from version [07.14.01] to version [07.15.00] started on 2024-02-15-14:02:39, finished on 2024-02-15-14:20:40
Upgrade of entity BMCs (Redfish)(NX Gen11 BMC), on host ( from version [07.11.00] to version [07.14.01] started on 2024-02-15-13:28:26, finished on 2024-02-15-13:54:12
Upgrade of entity BMCs (Redfish)(NX Gen11 BMC), on host ( from version [07.11.00] to version [07.14.01] started on 2024-02-15-13:02:58, finished on 2024-02-15-13:27:18
Upgrade of entity BMCs (Redfish)(NX Gen11 BMC), on host ( from version [07.11.00] to version [07.14.01] started on 2024-02-15-12:37:47, finished on 2024-02-15-13:01:54
As checked above trail messages. I understood and would recommend following possible solutions:
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