I have a 3 node nutanix cluster, when initial deployment with foundation portable due to low space in my disk, the deployment failed. When trying to redeploy we are unable to deploy. We are unable to reset the node to its factory form. Is there any way to initiate a deployment?
Best answer by JeroenTielen
Looks like the nodes cant talk back to your laptop.
Disable the firewall on your laptop;
Are the nodes connected with at least: IPMI and normal interface?
Is you laptop using an ip-address which is accessible from the nodes normal interface and ipaddress?
Tried it, but getting error since the already present cvm searches for files inside its own system. Is there any way we can re- initialize the installation? and how
It has started the deployment now. With new foundation portable it started deployment. All nodes are connected to a l2 switch on a shared port in each node. I suspect the firewall and have another query. Even if the firewall is active on Laptop is it possible for the foundation to reboot the node but will fail to mount the iso?
Correct. Rebooting the node is done via ipmi calls. Mounting the boot iso is also done via IPMI. Then the node will restart and talk back to foundation via the normal network interface. And for this “talk back” your firewall must accept tcp 8000 or just simple temporary disable your firewall.