Cvm has failed to boot up | Nutanix Community
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Cvm has failed to boot up

  • November 5, 2024
  • 1 reply

I just deploy new 3 Node Nutanix on DELL XC760 .

I using Foundation version 5.7 to deploy and install Nutanix. When the first time 2 Node are succesfully installed, but i have problem at 1 Node other. I have try multiple time to re-deploy but got same problem.

Below i capture the log error.

Please any advices.

Thank you.


2024-11-05 05:12:46,122Z INFO [159/160] Waiting for CVM to initialize network2024-11-05 05:13:10,513Z INFO [160/160] Waiting for CVM to initialize network2024-11-05 05:13:10,513Z INFO Run ssh cmd on SVM2024-11-05 05:13:10,528Z INFO Running cmd ['/usr/bin/ssh -i /root/firstboot/ssh_keys/nutanix -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null nutanix@ "ls"']2024-11-05 05:13:13,632Z INFO Execution of command ['/usr/bin/ssh -i /root/firstboot/ssh_keys/nutanix -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null nutanix@ "ls"'] failed, exit code: 255, stdout: , stderr: FIPS mode initializedssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host2024-11-05 05:13:21,762Z INFO Execution of command ['/usr/bin/ssh -i /root/firstboot/ssh_keys/nutanix -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null nutanix@ "ls"'] failed, exit code: 255, stdout: , stderr: FIPS mode initializedssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host2024-11-05 05:13:29,886Z INFO Execution of command ['/usr/bin/ssh -i /root/firstboot/ssh_keys/nutanix -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null nutanix@ "ls"'] failed, exit code: 255, stdout: , stderr: FIPS mode initializedssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host2024-11-05 05:13:34,907Z CRITICAL Cvm has failed to boot up. Please open the cvm console manually and check for any cvm boot errors.2024-11-05 05:13:34,907Z INFO Running cmd ['touch /root/.firstboot_fail']2024-11-05 05:13:34,938Z ERROR Exception in <ImagingStepPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @6790>) @06d0>Traceback (most recent call last):  File "foundation\", line 78, in wrap_method  File "foundation\", line 593, in run  File "foundation\", line 349, in wait_for_eventException: Received "fatal" in waiting for event "Last reboot complete": Cvm has failed to boot up. Please open the cvm console manually and check for any cvm boot errors.2024-11-05 05:13:34,954Z ERROR Exception in running <ImagingStepPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @6790>) @06d0>Traceback (most recent call last):  File "foundation\", line 160, in _run  File "foundation\", line 78, in wrap_method  File "foundation\", line 593, in run  File "foundation\", line 349, in wait_for_eventException: Received "fatal" in waiting for event "Last reboot complete": Cvm has failed to boot up. Please open the cvm console manually and check for any cvm boot errors.2024-11-05 05:13:34,954Z DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @6790>) @06d0> from RUNNING to FAILED
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  • Nutanix Employee
  • 5 replies
  • November 5, 2024

Can you ping the IP from the foundation server?

Have you looked at the iDRAC and seen if the CVM has booted into our phoenix live ISO? If the system is booted to phoenix and has the correct IP set this is most likely a switch configuration issue.


What foundation does is it mounts the ISO to the iDrac and assigns the IP to the phoenix system. This communicates back to foundation via the network ports and not iDrac to copy all installation files. You’re breaking at the point where phoenix reaches back to foundation.


If it hasn’t booted to phoenix then you may want to contact support for assistance.