AHV/CVインストール時のディスク選択 | Nutanix Community
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1. AHV/CVMのインストールディスクについて
Nutanix CE(AHV/CVM)をインストールする際に、H]C]D]のディスクを選択すると思います。

2. SSD層/HDD層はどこから割り当てられる?

3. C]の用途について


  1. D is data. This where virtual machines are stored as well. 
  2. SSD tier is stored on the SSD’s 😉 Yes this is done is each node and the cluster will do this automatically. Search for data tiering or curator in the nutanix bible. www.nutanixbible.com
  3. On the CVM disk there is just a little space reserved for the CVM. The rest will be used for data as well. 

  1. D is data. This where virtual machines are stored as well. 

Thank you very much.
I understood that D] is the data area (virtual machines and volumes).


  1. SSD tier is stored on the SSD’s 😉 Yes this is done is each node and the cluster will do this automatically. Search for data tiering or curator in the nutanix bible. www.nutanixbible.com

Thank you very much.
I will also check the Nutanix Bible again.


  1. On the CVM disk there is just a little space reserved for the CVM. The rest will be used for data as well. 

I am additionally curious about this point.
You mentioned earlier that “ D] is a data area”, does that mean that “mC] is also part of the data area”?
Also, you said that SSD is a requirement for eC], but “even the free space in hC] will be a hot data layer”?

About ‘3’. Yes correct. 


So if your CVM disk is large. Then there will be a small part reserved for the CVM and the rest of the space is for data. 

Thank you very much. I understand very well.
Is there a place where the information you answered is found, is it in the Nutanix Bible?

Nutanix Bible should cover everything. 

Thank you.
But I'm sorry. I cannot find the relevant section. Can you give me the specific section?

No 😉 But here is the classic interface: https://www.nutanixbible.com/classic

This will show the complete bible in 1 page and you can search easily. 


Edit: Maybe this will help ;) https://www.nutanixbible.com/2i-book-of-basics-drive-breakdown.html

Thanks! Very helpful!
I will check the old documentation as well.
This question is closed.