PXE Configuration for AHV VMs | Nutanix Community
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PXE Configuration for AHV VMs

  • September 16, 2021
  • 0 replies

  • Nutanix Employee
  • 69 replies

You can configure a VM to boot over the network in a Preboot Execution Environment (PXE). booting over the network is called PXE booting and does not require the use of installation media. When starting up, a PXE-enabled VM communicates with a DHCP server to obtain information about the boot file it requires.


Configuring PXE boot for an AHV VM involves performing the following steps:

  • Configuring the VM to boot over the network.

  • Configuring the PXE environment.


The procedure for configuring a VM to boot over the network is the same for managed and unmanaged networks. A VM that is configured to use PXE boots over the network on subsequent restarts until the boot order of the VM is changed.


To configure a PXE environment for a VM on a managed network on an AHV host, do the following:


  1. Log on to the Prism web console, click the gear icon, and then click Network configuration in the menu. The Network dialog box is displayed.

  2. On the Virtual Networks tab, click the pencil icon shown for the network for which you want to configure a PXE environment. The VMs that require the PXE boot information must be on this network.

  3. In the Update Network dialog box, do the following:

    1. Select the Configure Domain Settings check box and do the following in the fields shown in the domain setting sections:

    2. In the TFTP Server name field, specify the host name or IP address of the TFTP server.

    3. If you specify a host name in this field, make sure to also specify DNS settings in the Domain Name Servers (comma separated). Domain Search (comma separated) and domain Name fields

  4. In the Boot File Name field, specify the boot file URL and boot file that the VMs must use. For example, tftp://ip_address/boot_filename.bin, where ip_address is the IP address (or host name, if you specify DNS settings) of the TFTP server and boot_filename.bin is the PXE boot file.

  • Click Save.

  1. Click Close.


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