Nutanix CE installation error message | Nutanix Community
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Nutanix CE installation error message

  • August 13, 2024
  • 3 replies


Trying to install the Nutanix CE on my Dell R620 , I have 3 Drives , 1 SSD and 2x HDD 

First issue i had as the Nutanix installtion was seeying y SSD as HDD  I fixed that by running the below command :
lsblk -d -o name,rota
if it is 1 then it is HDD 

lsblk to identify the SSD if it is sda

sudo sh -c 'echo 0 > /sys/block/sda/queue/rotational'

Then the system recognise the SSD.

I select SSD as C, and the other two HDD as H and D. Running the setup from a USB drive that was created using RUFUS.

Installation proceed but then I get the below error:


Fatal imaging thread hypervisor failed to with reason  traceback most recent call last 
file "/root/phoenix/ line 112 in image self customizer cutomize.() 
file "/root/phoenix/ line 1304 in customize self.__mount_kvm_partition
file "/root/phoenix/ line 137 in ___mount kvm partition sysutil.get_ahv_root_dev self.stage
file "/root/phoenix/ line 53 in shell_cmd raise standarderror 
Standard error : failed command [mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /mnt/stage] with error [mount:/dev/sda2 is already mounted or /mnt/stage busy]


It happens after the :

INFO : Cleaning up.

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3 replies

Nutanix Employee
  • Nutanix Employee
  • 532 replies
  • August 14, 2024

There are two possible scenarios that can cause this error:

1. Make sure the server is configured for Legacy and not UEFI boot mode
2. Make sure the drive you’re using for the hypervisor is the smallest drive in the system.

  • Author
  • Voyager
  • 1 reply
  • August 15, 2024

Hi Ktelep
Thanks for your reply 


I followed your instructions by switching the boot mode from UEFI to BIOS and replacing the oversized USB with a 32GB flash drive. However, the installation process now almost completes (reaching 2402 / 2430) before encountering an error: "InstallerVM timeout occurred……….

Thank you for your help




Nutanix Employee
  • Nutanix Employee
  • 532 replies
  • August 15, 2024

Hyeprvisor installation timing out *usually* means it cant write to the drive fast enough.  Is it a quality USB3 flash drive?   You may want to just go with a small 64G physical disk to use for the hypervisor vs. a USB one.    There are limitations to AHV upgrades when running USB for the hypervisor boot drive.