Unable to get Foundation to complete install on Nutanix | Nutanix Community
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Unable to get Foundation to complete install on Nutanix

  • May 13, 2020
  • 1 reply

Hello all,

I’ve tried to install ESX 6.7.0 and AOS 5.15 onto my Nutanix but it keeps erroring out. It looks like it’s trying to mount a phoenix.iso but that file does not exist and isn’t being created during the install. Leading to Foundation to be unable to SSH to it after boot.

Please assist. Thank you.

Installation failed. Click here to learn how to retry the failed nodes. 

Node Progress
Download Log Bundle 

fatal: Waiting for installer to boot up 
Reset • Review Configuration • Version 4.5.3 

Node Log
Raw text log 
20200513 10:59:08 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @dc90> from PENDING to RUNNING
20200513 10:59:08 INFO Running <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @dc90>
20200513 10:59:08 DEBUG Cache MISS: key(<function common_validations at 0x03D2E8F0>_()_{'global_config': <foundation.config_manager.GlobalConfig object at 0x047FDC30>})
20200513 10:59:08 INFO Validating parameters. This may take few minutes
20200513 11:00:18 DEBUG Validating esx: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\isos\hypervisor\esx\VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.7.0.update03-14320388.x86_64.iso
20200513 11:00:18 DEBUG Starting whitelist_check
20200513 11:00:18 DEBUG in_memory iso_whitelist version: 1585716499
20200513 11:00:18 DEBUG Cache MISS: key(<function get_nos_version_from_tarball at 0x02EE70B0>_()_{'nos_package_path': u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\nos\\nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-5.15-stable-x86_64.tar.gz'})
20200513 11:01:26 DEBUG Finished whitelist_check
20200513 11:01:26 INFO metadata update: {"iso_entry": {"min_foundation": "4.5", "deprecated": null, "min_nos": "5.10.7", "friendly_name": "ESX 6.7.0 U3 14320388", "compatible_versions": {"esx": ["^6\\.7.*"]}, "version": "6.7u3", "filesize": 329945088, "hypervisor": "esx", "unsupported_hardware": []}}
20200513 11:01:26 WARNING tmap was called <function read_hardware_config_from_any at 0x032874B0> with empty args and kwargs, ignoring

20200513 11:01:26 INFO Running one and two node validations
20200513 11:02:08 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @dc90> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20200513 11:02:08 INFO Completed <ImagingStepValidation(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @dc90>
20200513 11:02:08 DEBUG Setting state of <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @daf0> from PENDING to RUNNING
20200513 11:02:08 INFO Running <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @daf0>
20200513 11:02:08 INFO Node IP: CVM( HOST( IPMI(
20200513 11:02:08 DEBUG Cache MISS: key(<function get_nos_version_from_tarball at 0x02EE70B0>_(u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\nos\\nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-5.15-stable-x86_64.tar.gz',)_{})
20200513 11:03:10 INFO NOS Version is: 5.15
20200513 11:03:10 INFO metadata update: {"nos_version": "5.15"}
20200513 11:03:10 DEBUG Setting state of <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @daf0> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20200513 11:03:10 INFO Completed <GetNosVersion(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @daf0>
20200513 11:03:10 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d4f0> from PENDING to RUNNING
20200513 11:03:10 INFO Running <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d4f0>
20200513 11:03:10 INFO Attempting to detect device type on
20200513 11:03:10 DEBUG factory mode is False
20200513 11:03:10 INFO Checking if this is Quanta
20200513 11:03:10 ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
 File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
 File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
20200513 11:03:10 ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1


20200513 11:03:10 INFO Checking if this is Intel
20200513 11:03:11 INFO Checking if this is an Ironwood system.
20200513 11:03:11 INFO Checking if this is a Lenovo system.
20200513 11:03:11 INFO Manufacturer ID = 10876
20200513 11:03:11 INFO Checking if this is UCS standalone node
20200513 11:03:11 INFO Checking if this is Dell
20200513 11:03:11 INFO Checking if this is HPE or NEC or HITACHI
20200513 11:03:12 INFO Checking if this is HUAWEI
20200513 11:03:14 INFO Checking if this is Inspur
20200513 11:03:14 ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
 File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
 File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
20200513 11:03:14 ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1


20200513 11:03:14 INFO Checking if this is SMC from Board manufacturer
20200513 11:03:14 INFO Detected class smc_wa for node with IPMI IP
20200513 11:03:14 ERROR Could not execute '<obfuscated_command>'
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "bmc_utils\tools.py", line 78, in system
 File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 617, in __init__
 File "site-packages\subprocess32.py", line 922, in _execute_child
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
20200513 11:03:14 ERROR Command '<obfuscated_command>' returned error code -1


20200513 11:03:14 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d4f0> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20200513 11:03:14 INFO Completed <ImagingStepTypeDetection(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d4f0>
20200513 11:03:14 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d670> from PENDING to RUNNING
20200513 11:03:14 INFO Running <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d670>
20200513 11:03:14 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d670> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20200513 11:03:14 INFO Completed <ImagingStepPrepareVendor(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d670>
20200513 11:03:14 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d910> from PENDING to RUNNING
20200513 11:03:14 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d2d0> from PENDING to RUNNING
20200513 11:03:14 INFO Running <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d910>
20200513 11:03:14 INFO Running <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d2d0>
20200513 11:03:14 DEBUG skipped, this node will be imaged via IPMI
20200513 11:03:14 INFO Making node specific Phoenix image
20200513 11:03:14 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d910> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20200513 11:03:14 INFO Completed <ImagingStepInitCVM(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d910>
20200513 11:03:15 INFO Using foundation-layouts egg C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\lib/foundation-platforms\foundation_layout-1.6+r.1170.3a77e03-py2.7.egg
20200513 11:03:15 DEBUG Injecting aurora-1.2.6-fde6167.tar.gz to phoenix
20200513 11:03:15 DEBUG Injecting tartarus-0.7.1-f6a45e22.tar.gz to phoenix
20200513 11:03:15 DEBUG Cache MISS: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0326FAB0>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\lib\\phoenix\\x86_64\\squashfs.img',)_{})
20200513 11:03:15 DEBUG Cache HIT: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0326FAB0>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\lib\\phoenix\\x86_64\\squashfs.img',)_{})
20200513 11:03:15 DEBUG using C:\Program Files (x86)\Nutanix\Portable Foundation\lib\bin\cygwin\mkisofs.exe for mkisofs
20200513 11:03:15 DEBUG Cache MISS: key(<function get_md5sum at 0x0326FAB0>_('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nutanix\\Portable Foundation\\tmp\\sessions\\20200513-105905-2\\phoenix_node_isos\\foundation.node_192.168.2.6.iso',)_{})
20200513 11:03:15 INFO Setting boot mode
20200513 11:03:15 DEBUG No implementation found for setting boot mode to BootMode.LEGACY. Skipping
20200513 11:03:15 INFO Powering off node
20200513 11:03:15 INFO current power state is on
20200513 11:03:15 DEBUG changing power state to off, attempt 1/4
20200513 11:03:23 INFO changed power state to off
20200513 11:03:28 INFO Mounting phoenix iso image
20200513 11:03:28 INFO Starting SMCGI Virtual CDROM
20200513 11:03:28 INFO Detecting power status
20200513 11:03:29 INFO current power state is off
20200513 11:03:29 INFO Attaching virtual media:
20200513 11:03:35 INFO Setting cdrom as boot device for next boot
20200513 11:03:35 INFO Next boot device is set to optical
20200513 11:03:35 INFO Power status is off
20200513 11:03:35 INFO Powering up node
20200513 11:03:43 INFO Sleeping for 40 seconds
20200513 11:04:23 INFO Power status is on
20200513 11:04:23 INFO BMC should be booting into phoenix
20200513 11:04:23 INFO Waiting for remote node to boot into phoenix, this may take 20 minutes
20200513 11:24:45 ERROR Exception on executing cmd: ['test', '-f', '/usr/bin/layout_finder.py']
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "foundation\foundation_tools.py", line 221, in ssh
 File "foundation\foundation_tools.py", line 197, in get_ssh_client
 File "site-packages\paramiko\client.py", line 343, in connect
 File "site-packages\paramiko\util.py", line 280, in retry_on_signal
 File "site-packages\paramiko\client.py", line 343, in <lambda>
 File "socket.py", line 228, in meth
error: [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
20200513 11:24:45 WARNING The target is not ssh-able or not in phoenix

20200513 11:24:45 INFO Retrying booting into phoenix
20200513 11:24:45 INFO Umounting Virtual CDROM using SMCGI
20200513 11:24:45 ERROR Exception in <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d2d0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "foundation\decorators.py", line 77, in wrap_method
 File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 313, in run
 File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 205, in boot_phoenix
 File "bmc_utils\_remote_boot_smcgi.py", line 52, in reset_bmc
 File "bmc_utils\_smcgi.py", line 167, in reset_bmc
 File "bmc_utils\_smcgi.py", line 30, in wrapped
 File "bmc_utils\_smcgi.py", line 85, in call
 File "site-packages\requests\models.py", line 893, in raise_for_status
HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
20200513 11:24:45 ERROR Exception in running <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d2d0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "foundation\imaging_step.py", line 161, in _run
 File "foundation\decorators.py", line 77, in wrap_method
 File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 313, in run
 File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 205, in boot_phoenix
 File "bmc_utils\_remote_boot_smcgi.py", line 52, in reset_bmc
 File "bmc_utils\_smcgi.py", line 167, in reset_bmc
 File "bmc_utils\_smcgi.py", line 30, in wrapped
 File "bmc_utils\_smcgi.py", line 85, in call
 File "site-packages\requests\models.py", line 893, in raise_for_status
HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
20200513 11:24:45 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d2d0> from RUNNING to FAILED
20200513 11:24:45 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepRAIDCheckPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d3d0> from PENDING to NR
20200513 11:24:45 WARNING Skipping <ImagingStepRAIDCheckPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d3d0> because dependencies not met, failed tasks: [<ImagingStepInitIPMI(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d2d0>]

20200513 11:24:45 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPreInstall(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d110> from PENDING to NR
20200513 11:24:45 WARNING Skipping <ImagingStepPreInstall(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d110> because dependencies not met

20200513 11:24:45 DEBUG Setting state of <InstallHypervisorESX(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d9f0> from PENDING to NR
20200513 11:24:45 DEBUG Setting state of <ImagingStepPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d070> from PENDING to NR
20200513 11:24:45 WARNING Skipping <InstallHypervisorESX(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d9f0> because dependencies not met

20200513 11:24:45 WARNING Skipping <ImagingStepPhoenix(<NodeConfig( @d8d0>) @d070> because dependencies not met


This topic has been closed for comments

1 reply

Neel Kotak
Nutanix Employee
  • Nutanix Employee
  • 96 replies
  • July 1, 2020

Hi @LorenG Could you please share the Hardware model?

If possible, please try to reset IPMI (Idrac or ILO) and give it a try...