AHV Networking | Need to change NIC modes? | Nutanix Community
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AHV Networking | Need to change NIC modes?

  • April 21, 2020
  • 1 reply

Nutanix Employee

Let's say for example we have multiple VLANs in our environment to logically segment the traffic. 


We need to configure the network interface accordingly as we might need a VM to be VLAN aware. 


Before understanding the method to configure this, let us understand the difference between trunk and access modes.


An access port sends and receives untagged frames (i.e. all frames are in the same VLAN)


A trunk port supports tagged frames and thus it allows to switch multiple VLANs.


Do we have a method to configure trunk mode in a NIC 

The following article mentions the steps to safely change a NIC mode of a VM to trunk mode.

How to change NIC mode (Access, Trunked)

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Nutanix Employee
  • Nutanix Employee
  • 60 replies
  • April 23, 2020

Hello, the Nutanix AHV Networking Best Practices Guide outlines how to configure your VM NICs in both access and trunk mode and how to move between these modes.

Look for the section titled: VM NIC VLAN Modes

The only way to do this today is using the aCLI command line (or with REST if desired). This is not currently possible to do through a GUI.