How to Migrate Linux VMs to AHV | Nutanix Community
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How to Migrate Linux VMs to AHV

  • October 9, 2020
  • 0 replies

Nutanix Employee

Note -  Nutanix highly recommends using Nutanix Move to migrate VMs to AHV. See the Nutanix Move documentation at the Nutanix Support portal. This KB should only be used if Nutanix Move cannot be used or for reference only.


For large scale migrations of business critical systems, Nutanix Global Services organization provides resources to assist with streamlining migration scenarios. For information on available services, see:

The following high-level steps are required when migrating Linux VMs from another hypervisor to AHV.

  • Determining what VirtIO drivers are available in the Guest OS kernel and deciding which BUS ((IDE, SCSI, etc.) type to use when creating AHV disks for the VM.

  • Determining what VirtIO drivers are built into the Guest OS initial boot image (initrd or initramfs) to allow booting the VM in AHV.

  • Rebuilding the GuestOS initrd or initramfs with VirtIO drivers (If needed).

  • Updating Guest OS boot configuration files and filesystem information files to support changing device names (If needed).

  • Transferring copies of the virtual disk files from the original VM to the AHV cluster.
    KB 2622 - Transferring virtual disks into an AHV cluster describes the options for transferring copies of the virtual disk files into the AHV cluster. Review the information in that article in preparation for the VM migration.

  • Creating a new VM within the AHV cluster assigning CPU, memory and NIC resources as needed.

  • Attaching the AHV ready versions of the copied virtual disk files to the new VM selecting the appropriate BUS type for the disks depending on the Guest OS.


For more information please check the document



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