- update the Clone.csv where I enter the following info name,VlanID,VMRam,Vcpu,cores,VMIP,clone,Image
- Next I run cloneNTNX.ps1 script to provision the vm. This script also runs connect-Nutainx.ps1 and Create-NTNXVM.ps1 script. When I run the cloneNTNX.ps1 script I get below error.
PS C:\_Mis\NTNX\scripts> .\cloneNTNX.ps1
Not connected to any server. Please connect to a server and try again.
Nutanix Cluster:
Username for :
Password for
[Warning]: Cluster version[] and Cmdlets version[5.5] do not match. This might cause some cmdlets to not functin correctly. Do you still want to continue [Y/N]?: y
Connected to
Checking if VM already exists...
No data found.
Creating name on
Cannot create UUID from string 'af2c1ae1-7f53-476e-8d0a-014baaa32b99 363fc90a-0d38-48e5-ac56-4b7fddf4a4e7'
New-NTNXVirtualMachine : The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
At C:\_Mis\NTNX\scripts\Create-NTNXVM.ps1:144 char:20
+ ... eateJobID = New-NTNXVirtualMachine -MemoryMb $ramMB -Name $VMName -Nu ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (Nutanix.Prism.Common.NutanixCluster:NutanixCluster) [New-NTNXVirtualMa
chine], WebException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : {"message":"Cannot create UUID from string 'af2c1ae1-7f53-476e-8d0a-014baaa32b99 363fc90
WARNING: Couldn't create name on , exiting
Here is the line where I get an error.
$createJobID = New-NTNXVirtualMachine -MemoryMb $ramMB -Name $VMName -NumVcpus $VMVcpus -NumCoresPerVcpu $VMCoresPerVcpu -VmNics $nicSpec -VmDisks $vmDisk -Description $Description -ErrorAction Continue
Here is the first script:
# Environment Setup
$InputFile = "C:\_Mis\NTNX\scripts\clone.csv"
# Read the input file which is formatted as name,type,address with a header row
$records = Import-CSV $InputFile
#dot source Connect-Nutanix.ps1 and connect to the cluster
. .\Connect-Nutanix.ps1
if ($ClusterName){ $connection = (Connect-Nutanix -ClusterName $ClusterName) }
else {
$connection = (Connect-Nutanix)
$ClusterName = (Get-NutanixCluster).server
if (!$connection){
Write-Warning "Couldn't connect to a Nutanix Cluster"
exit 1
ForEach ($record in $records) {
# Capture the record contents as variables
$recordName = $record.name
$recordVlanID = $record.VlanID
$recordVMRAM = $record.VMRam
$recordVcpu = $record.Vcpu
$recordCores = $record.cores
$recordVMIP = $record.VMIP
$recordClone = $record.clone
# Build and ADD command syntax
$createVM = .\Create-NTNXVM.ps1 -VMName $recordName -VMVLANID $recordVlanID -VMRAMGB $recordVMRAM -VMVcpus $recordVcpu -VMCoresPerVcpu $recordCores -VMIP $recordVMIP -CloneExistingVMDisk -ExistingVMName $recordClone
Write-Host “Building VM: $recordName"
Here is the second script:
# Copyright 2016 NetVoyage Corporation d/b/a NetDocuments.
[Parameter(mandatory=$false)][Int]$VMVcpus = 1, #default to 1
[Parameter(mandatory=$false)][Int]$VMCoresPerVcpu = 1, #default to 1
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='BlankVM')][Int]$DiskSizeGB = 20, #default to 20GB if not specified
[Parameter(mandatory=$false)]$AdditionalVolumes, #pass an array of key:values
#dot source Connect-Nutanix.ps1 and connect to the cluster
. .\Connect-Nutanix.ps1
if ($ClusterName){ $connection = (Connect-Nutanix -ClusterName $ClusterName) }
else {
$connection = (Connect-Nutanix)
$ClusterName = (Get-NutanixCluster).server
if (!$connection){
Write-Warning "Couldn't connect to a Nutanix Cluster"
exit 1
#connection to cluster is all set up, now move on to the fun stuff
Write-Host "Checking if VM already exists..."
if (!(Get-NTNXVM -SearchString $VMName).vmid){
#convert GB to MB for RAM
$ramMB = ($VMRAMGB * 1024)
#setup the nicSpec
$nicSpec = New-NTNXObject -Name VMNicSpecDTO
#find the right network to put the VM on
$network = (Get-NTNXNetwork | ?{$_.vlanID -eq $VMVLANID})
if($network){$nicSpec.networkuuid = $network.uuid}
Write-Warning "Specified VLANID: $VMVLANID, does not exist, it needs to be created in Prism, exiting"
#request an IP, if specified
if($VMIP){$nicSpec.requestedIpAddress = $VMIP}
#setup the VM's disk
$vmDisk = New-NTNXObject -Name VMDiskDTO
if($UseImageStore -and $ImageName){
#setup the image to clone from the Image Store
$diskCloneSpec = New-NTNXObject -Name VMDiskSpecCloneDTO
#check to make sure specified Image exists in the Image Store
$diskImage = (Get-NTNXImage | ?{$_.name -eq $ImageName})
if($diskImage.Length -gt 1){
$diskToUse = $diskImage[0]
foreach($disk in $diskImage){
if($disk.updatedTimeInUsecs -gt $diskToUse.updatedTimeInUsecs){ $diskToUse = $disk }
$diskImage = $diskToUse
$diskCloneSpec.vmDiskUuid = $diskImage.vmDiskId
Write-Warning "Specified Image Name: $ImageName, does not exist in the Image Store, exiting"
#setup the new disk from the Cloned Image
$vmDisk.vmDiskClone = $diskCloneSpec
elseif($CloneExistingVMDisk -and $ExistingVMName){
#setup the image to clone from the Existing VM
$diskCloneSpec = New-NTNXObject -Name VMDiskSpecCloneDTO
#check to make sure specified Existing VM Exists
$diskToClone = ((Get-NTNXVMDisk -Vmid (Get-NTNXVM -searchstring $ExistingVMName).vmId) | ? {!$_.isCdrom})
if($diskToClone){$diskCloneSpec.vmDiskUuid = $diskToClone.VmDiskUuid}
Write-Warning "Specified Existing VM Name: $ExistingVMName, does not exist, exiting"
#setup the new disk from the Cloned Existing VM
$vmDisk.vmDiskClone = $diskCloneSpec
#setup the new disk on the default container
$diskCreateSpec = New-NTNXObject -Name VmDiskSpecCreateDTO
$diskCreateSpec.containerUuid = (Get-NTNXContainer -SearchString "default").containerUuid
$diskCreateSpec.sizeMb = $DiskSizeGB * 1024
#create the Disk
$vmDisk.vmDiskCreate = $diskCreateSpec
if($AdditionalVolumes -or $MountISO){$vmDisk = @($vmDisk)}
#setup the ISO image to clone from the Image Store
$diskCloneSpec = New-NTNXObject -Name VMDiskSpecCloneDTO
#check to make sure specified ISO exists in the Image Store
$ISOImage = (Get-NTNXImage | ?{$_.name -eq $ISOName})
$diskCloneSpec.vmDiskUuid = $ISOImage.vmDiskId
#setup the new ISO disk from the Cloned Image
$vmISODisk = New-NTNXObject -Name VMDiskDTO
#specify that this is a Cdrom
$vmISODisk.isCdrom = $true
$vmISODisk.vmDiskClone = $diskCloneSpec
$vmDisk = @($vmDisk)
$vmDisk += $vmISODisk
Write-Warning "Specified ISO Image Name: $ISOName, does not exist in the Image Store, skipping ISO mounting"
if($UseImageStore -and !$ImageName){
Write-Warning "Must specify an ImageName when using -UseImageStore, exiting"
elseif($CloneExistingVM -and !$ExistingVMName){
Write-Warning "Must specify an ExistingVMName to clone when using -CloneExistingVM, exiting"
Write-Warning "No source for $VMName's disk, must specify one of the following (UseImageStore, CloneExistingVM, UseBlankDisk), exiting"
#adds any AdditionalVolumes if specified
if(!($vmDisk[1])){$vmDisk = @($vmDisk)}
foreach($volume in $AdditionalVolumes){
$diskCreateSpec = New-NTNXObject -Name VmDiskSpecCreateDTO
$diskCreateSpec.containerUuid = (Get-NTNXContainer -SearchString "default").containerUuid
$diskCreateSpec.sizeMb = $volume.Size * 1024
$AdditionalvmDisk = New-NTNXObject -Name VMDiskDTO
$AdditionalvmDisk.vmDiskCreate = $diskCreateSpec
$vmDisk += $AdditionalvmDisk
#Create the VM
Write-Host "Creating $VMName on $ClusterName..."
$createJobID = New-NTNXVirtualMachine -MemoryMb $ramMB -Name $VMName -NumVcpus $VMVcpus -NumCoresPerVcpu $VMCoresPerVcpu -VmNics $nicSpec -VmDisks $vmDisk -Description $Description -ErrorAction Continue
if($createJobID){Write-Host "Created $VMName on $ClusterName" -ForegroundColor Green}
Write-Warning "Couldn't create $VMName on $ClusterName, exiting"
#now wait for the VM to be created and then power it on, unless noPowerOn, then we are done
$count = 0
#wait up to 30 seconds, trying every 5 seconds, for the vm to be created
while (!$VMidToPowerOn -and $count -le 6){
Write-Host "Waiting 5 seconds for $VMName to finish creating..."
Start-Sleep 5
$VMidToPowerOn = (Get-NTNXVM -SearchString $VMName).vmid
#now power on the VM
if ($VMidToPowerOn){
Write-Host "Powering on $VMName on $ClusterName..."
$poweronJobID = Set-NTNXVMPowerOn -Vmid $VMidToPowerOn
if($poweronJobID){Write-Host "Successfully powered on $VMName on $ClusterName" -ForegroundColor Green}
Write-Warning "Couldn't power on $VMName on $ClusterName, exiting"
else {
Write-Warning "Failed to Get $VMName after creation, not powering on..."
Write-Host "$VMName already exists on $ClusterName, exiting"