I am trying to import Nutanix Collector (latest available version) excel to sizer. The excel contains a large number of “PoweredOff” virtual machines. I want to make the sizing based on performance figures only for “PoweredOn” virtual machines.
If I choose “CPU: performance” I get a warning message:
“Data being imported contains one or more VMs that were powered ON during the collection period and reported CPU utilization. We recommend you to size both Powered ON & Powered OFF VMs.”
The warning it self doesn’t make much sense. Maybe it should read
“Data being imported contains one or more VMs that were powered OFF during the collection period and did not report CPU utilization. We recommend you to size both Powered ON & Powered OFF VMs.”
Additionally “Upload” button is grayed out and I cannot proceed with the sizing. IMHO the “Upload” button should not be disabled.