Can I create a lease or timeout on an Application or VM? | Nutanix Community
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Can I create a lease or timeout on an Application or VM?

  • March 12, 2024
  • 1 reply


Back in my VMware vRA days, we could set VMs to expire and delete themselves after a set period of time, called a Lease. This prevented test VMs lasting too long and using up resources unnecessarily. The default was seven days, and it could be extended or set as desired by the users if a VM was needed for longer. Is there a way to configure a similar mechanism in CALM/Self Service?

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Moustafa Hindawi

Hello @mcascone 

From PC, you can use playbooks, set trigger “time” for example, or any trigger you want.

Intelligent Operations pc.2023.3 - Playbook Triggers (

Then you can try set action “IP address ssh” for example, or any trigger you want.

Intelligent Operations pc.2023.3 - Playbook Actions (