Delegate refresh clone database to user, rollback at registration step | Nutanix Community
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Delegate refresh clone database to user, rollback at registration step


I tried to delegate the refresh of a clone database to my USER (not SUPER-ADMIN). I created a role with [Refresh Clone] privilege and i configured [Entity Sharing Policies] on the object [Clone / TM] that user can manage. The user launch the refresh of the clone database but the operation rollback at step [Registering Clone Database].

In the log, i have this error message :

"message": "Failed to register the clone database. Details: '\\'{\"errorCode\":\"ERA-ENT-0000001\",\"Reason\":\"The entity (Id:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, type:ERA_DATABASE_NODE) is not registered with the ERA Server \",\"remedy\":\"Specify a ERA_DATABASE_NODE that is registered with ERA Server\",\"message\":\"The entity (Id:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, type:ERA_DATABASE_NODE) is not registered with the ERA Server \",\"stackTrace\":[],\"suppressedExceptions\":[]}\\''",

I can’t find anywhere what is a DATABASE_NODE and how i give the privilege to my user to register the [CLONE DATABASE] on the [DATABASE_NODE]. Thanks for the help.

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