What is the difference for the following storage containers, except the replication factor, compression, etc..) ?
I mean what is meant to be placed for the certain containers.
For example, when I deployd Prism Central, then there was an option between “default-..” and “SelfServiceContainer”, so my question is, which is for what (images, VM’s, etc..)..?
Best answer by JeroenTielen
Hi Raul,
The default and selfservice container are default created in every cluster. You can change those containers to you need (compression, dedupe, erasure coding, pre/post, etc). The selfservice container is used for the selfservice feature in prism central. where you put your machines depends on the type of virtual machine and their type of workload. (As Moustafa already mentioned above).
Use whatever you want, the difference is the container settings: Replication Factor, Compression, Dedup, Erasure coding. depend on the workload you place. So, the default containers has the same settings, it’s recommended to create multiple containers, one with compression, one with dedup. one with both. Place your VMs depend on the workload, for example, don’t place DBs on dedup containers or compressed containers, you can place VDIs on dedup, and so on.
The default and selfservice container are default created in every cluster. You can change those containers to you need (compression, dedupe, erasure coding, pre/post, etc). The selfservice container is used for the selfservice feature in prism central. where you put your machines depends on the type of virtual machine and their type of workload. (As Moustafa already mentioned above).