ISO imported into Images have no size can't mount as CD | Nutanix Community
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ISO imported into Images have no size can't mount as CD

  • August 2, 2021
  • 1 reply


Read beginner question, but I don’t understand what’s going on.

Often I’m asked to create a VM and boot from an ISO. But often, when I add the ISO to the Images, it’s added somehow broken. It has no size, and attempting to mount it as a CD/DVD doesn’t work- because that image is not available to be chosen- it’s not in the list.

The images list starts off like this. There’s two Linux isos that are fine, and some Server 2016 ISOS that work fine.

Name Description Type Size Creator
CentOS-8-Full CentOS 8 (Full ISO)   ISO 7.67 GiB -
en_windows_server 2019 v1909.iso Server_2019 ISO -
Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-34-1.2.iso Fedora Linux 34 ISO 1.87 GiB

But the ISO i was given and told was the installation ISO for Server 2019 doesn’t seem to be that. I deleted it from the image store and re-added it, and it still has no size and doesn’t appear in the list of items when you try to mount it as an image to the VM in the Update dialog.

I’ve seen this before and never know why it happens.

1 reply


@LinuxInside Unless the image which you upload to Prism is in active state, it cannot be used as CD-ROM for any VMs. The primary reason as to why an image might not be in active state (basically no size seen and image not active) is because the image uploaded to Prism was corrupt/incomplete. This usually happens when you are uploading larger file size images via your local computer using any web browser. Most of the internet browsers have some upper limit in the file size that can be uploaded to it and so the image which gets uploaded to Prism might be corrupted/incomplete which in turn causes it to stay inactive on the cluster. 

In order to avoid such scenarios, if the ISO file size or the disk image size is large (in GBs), then it is recommended to use the URL method to upload the image to the cluster instead of uploading the image via local computer since in this case it should not depend on the internet browser limits or any minor disruptions that can happen for local browsers. 

Kindly refer to Configuring Images section in Prism Web Console Guide to add images to Prism using the URL method or if you are using Prism Central for uploading the images, then refer to the Adding an Image section in the Prism Central guide.  
