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Nutanix provides an external volume plug-in for Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an open source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operation of application containers across a cluster of hosts. This cluster of hosts can be made up of cloud provider VM instances, Nutanix-hosted VMs, or bare metal servers. Kubernetes is formed with multiple VMs and a master node.

This plug-in runs in a pod and dynamically provisions requested persistent volume that is compatible with the Kubernetes iSCSI volume. Nutanix then provides persistent storage for the provisioned volume.

Storage classes also have provisioners which determine which volume plugin should be used for provisioning Persistent Volumes.

Read more about it here

Try the Kubernetes Volume Plug-In with CE 5.5
works fairly well!, some typo's in the code.
Thanks @jantjo

Anything you can share here for us to correct - Thanks
Thanks @jantjo

Anything you can share here for us to correct - Thanks

The format of the StorageClass section, could just have been how the metadata and provider section was entered. if someone is just copy and pasting it may take a bit to figure it out.

kind: StorageClass
name: class_type
provisioner: nutanix/abs
prismEndPoint: prism_ip_address:port
dataServiceEndPoint: data_service_ip_address:port
user: user_name
password: password
secretName: kubernetes_secret_name
storageContainer: storage_container
fsType: file_system_type
chapAuthEnabled: “true_or_false”
iscsiSecretName: iscsi_secret_name
defaultIqn: kubernetes_worker_node_iqn

edit: just pasting this seems to remove the indents. but the section from metadata -> parameters is what is realligned

And under the static provisioned volume, "Iqn" should be "iqn" in the code
Thanks @jantjo

Hope you will be joining us at Nutanix .NEXT - be great to connect and chat in the community lounge. Thanks again!
OpenShift users will also need to add the hostnetwork security context to their nutanixabs-provisioner service account:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user hostnetwork system:serviceaccount:openshift-infra:nutanixabs-provisioner