Metro Availability standby site VMs exhibit suboptimal performance in protection domain | Nutanix Community
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I've the error (see below), but I don't understand what It's mean in french (I'm french). What menu/option are concerned ? What are "standby site" ? how move VM to “this” site ?


Warning: 1 VMs are running on the standby site 'Site2' of protection domain 'SC-Site1-01'. However, all the I/O operations are being forwarded to this site. This can significantly affect the performance of VMs. It is recommended to move VMs to this site or update the DRS rules. The affected VMs list is: FR-APP84

VMs are hosted at the standby site of the Metro Availability protection domain.

Host the VMs at the active site of the Metro Availability protection domain.

Looks like virtual machine FR-App84 is running (active) on the standby site (standby cluster).


To fix this, move FR-APP84 to your active cluster. 


Thanks for your answer.

I don't get it, sorry.

This VM are on a ESX who are on Site1, on the datastore SC-Site1-01 and inside a "Group VM" (VSphere DRS) Site1.
PRISM (cluster Site1) side, this VM are well here. In "VM Details" : Storage Container are well SC-Site1-01


My bad, I think it’s a old alert who did not acquit himself. I resolve and acknowledge the warning. I wait and see if it come back.

