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Upgrade Prism Central after AOS

  • 11 February 2021
  • 4 replies

One of our customer upgraded AOS before prism central. What would be the impact of upgrading prism central after AOS considering it’s not the proper upgrade scenario ?

  • 2X3 nodes cluster :
  • AOS 5.15.4 LTS
  • ESXI 6.7U3 build 17167734
  • Prism Central 5.16

Hi @tomazzzi 

If PE was upgraded before PC then chances of connection between PE and PC may break. They can try to upgrade PC for next and if any issues are reported then we need to investigate further.

Thx for your answer.

What is the safest for you :

try to upgrade PC anyway or unregister PC, delete the VM and install a new PC ?

Hello @tomazzzi 

I would say upgrade the PC first and then let's monitor it



Ok i ll do that !


Thx a lot for your help.



