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tier settings

  • 16 July 2014
  • 1 reply

ncli> storagetier ls-supported-typesStorageTierTypeDTO(name=kPcieSSD, displayName=SSD-PCIe)StorageTierTypeDTO(name=kSataSSD, displayName=SSD-SATA)StorageTierTypeDTO(name=kHDD, displayName=HDD-SATA)StorageTierTypeDTO(name=kSAN, displayName=SAN)StorageTierTypeDTO(name=kNAS, displayName=NAS)StorageTierTypeDTO(name=kCloud, displayName=Cloud)

any information about SAN, NAS, Cloud?

It will be something like storesimple ?
Good find!

The Nutanix software has the ability and logic for tiers outside of the locally attached devices (SSD/HDD) which can be integrated with its ILM. However, these haven't really been exposed or undergone the extensive QA and validation to make this a supported and released feature (except for cloud connect)

Our cloud connect for data archival essentially used the kCloud Tier Type which allows data to be archived on AWS or Azure. In the future there is the possibility to add in existing NAS appliances as a kNAS type. HINT: I have this running in my environment 🙂