I have a cluster up and running for almost a year now without any particular issues. I haven't logged into Prism for a long time and did so recent, and saw an alert on hat the cluster is not able to check NTP. I have them set for North American NTP servers. I think the real problem may be with Zeus, however, as when I SSH into one of the CVMs and almost any command (bur speciifally 'allssh root@ date') I get:
================== error: =================
================== Zeus =================
================== configuration =================
================== cache =================
================== is =================
================== not =================
================== created; =================
================== try =================
================== again =================
================== later =================
It is the same with any other command I try to run.
Your insight is greatly appreciated.
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Hi @SilkBC
Can you confirm if you are logged with nutanix user? Based on error message, looks like you are using the admin user instead of nutanix.
Also, after login with nutanix user, run the following command to check if NTP is in sync on CVMs and hosts:
$ allssh ntpq -pn
$ hostssh ntpq -pn
Can you confirm if you are logged with nutanix user? Based on error message, looks like you are using the admin user instead of nutanix.
Also, after login with nutanix user, run the following command to check if NTP is in sync on CVMs and hosts:
$ allssh ntpq -pn
$ hostssh ntpq -pn
Thanks for the reply, @RichardsonPorto .
You are correct; I was logged in as 'admin' and not 'nutanix'. I logged in as 'nutanix' and rant he commands you asked for:
$allssh ntpq -pn
$hostssh ntpqn -pn
You are correct; I was logged in as 'admin' and not 'nutanix'. I logged in as 'nutanix' and rant he commands you asked for:
$allssh ntpq -pn
================== =================
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* 3 u 113 256 377 0.216 9.814 9.715
================== =================
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* 2 u 465 512 377 48.522 -32.302 7.160
+ 2 u 205 512 377 73.800 -30.457 9.092
+ 2 u 65 512 377 48.739 -36.521 9.584
+ 2 u 179 512 377 50.717 -52.551 18.685 .LOCL. 10 l 127m 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
================== =================
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* 3 u 90 256 377 0.310 4.472 5.781
$hostssh ntpqn -pn
============= ============
No association ID's returned
============= ============
No association ID's returned
============= ============
No association ID's returned
Here is an e-mail I am getting from the cluster:
I have checked the VMware hosts and they all have NTP servers set, and the NTP service is running.
Warning : The hypervisor is not synchronizing time with any external servers.
Cause : External NTP servers are not configured or are not reachable.
Resolution : Verify if the NTP servers are configured and reachable from the hypervisor.
Node Id : ZM183S001354
Block Id : 18FM6G270016
Block Type : NX-1065-G5
Cluster Id : 3798131111702892782
Cluster Uuid : 00057307-3d0a-43ad-34b5-ac1f6b6910ee
Cluster Name : rti-ntnx-cl01
Cluster Version : el7.3-release-euphrates-5.5.4-stable-bed0925953fabcf2a170f64625845a58ee9034c5
Cluster Ips :
Timestamp : Tue Aug 6 0:54:55 MDT 2019
Sent from
I have checked the VMware hosts and they all have NTP servers set, and the NTP service is running.
Follow the troubleshooting steps on the KB article : NCC Health Check : check_ntp
Specially those in the section: “If the check reports "FAIL: The hypervisor is not synchronizing with any NTP server"
If the issue is still not resolved, consider engaging Nutanix Support, providing the results and any output from general troubleshooting and current cluster NTP configuration.
Enter your E-mail address. We'll send you an e-mail with instructions to reset your password.