New install (bare metal r820) of CE (Phoenix 6.8.1) Can't select virtual disk for CVM | Nutanix Community
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Hi all, new to Nutanix here likely for the same reason a million other folk are trying it out.


I’ve managed to find the download (though not exactly straight forward) for Phoenix 6.8.1 CE and am attempting to first time install on an r820 with 5 enterprise ssd sas in front bay. I’ve split the first off into it’s own virtual drive at full capacity (300something gb) for H install. The second and third off into their own individual virtual drives for CVM1 and CVM2. Then the last two combined into one virtual drive for D. 


I am able to select the virtual drives for H and D however the CVMS tell me it can’t be selected because the drives must be SSD which they are. Drives are fine and the virtual disks are recognized just not allowed to be selected. Any insight is greatly appreciated I’d love to test Nutanix out but documentation has been all over and even downloading (from a link in a seemingly random forum post) my confidence is a bit waned.

I’m brand new to Nutanix as well, but I have been a server admin for over 8 years running VMware and to a lesser extent Hyper-V.
I just loaded the Phoenix ISO onto a thumb drive and popped it into an older Dell server that I set up as a test bench for this install. I booted from the thumb drive with no issues, but when I got to the Hypervisor boot screen, it is seeing ALL my hard drives. I had per-configured these drives into a RAID 5 setup, so not sure why it isn’t seeing that. It really shouldn’t be able to see past the RAID configuration.

If you can provide a screenshot of the selection screen it would help.  I expect that the drives you want to select for the CVM are not showing up as SSDs which is why they won’t appear.

Also you absolutely do not want to have any “Virtual” drives configured, you want all of yoru disks configured for pass through or visible as individual disks.  Nutanix will handle the data protection across those devices.