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i got error message when created container?

Failed to modify service settings. The default virtual machine configuration store cannot be changed to '\CLHV.abcd.comiso -VhdPath CLHV.abcd.comiso': The user name or password is incorrect. (0x8007052E) Ensure the path is valid and the directory exists. If the directory is remote, ensure that it is properly configured for sharing, and that the current user and computer accounts have read/write access.

what happen? can you tell me?

Can you tell us more about your environment?


Hardware Platform (NX, XC, HX)

Environment Config (Hypervisor, Networking, etc)

NOS Code (i.e 4.1.x, 4.5.x)

Have you run NCC (ncc health_checks run_all)

Have you opened a support ticket with Nutanix (or appropriate OEM, Dell/Lenovo)
for Hardware Platform is NX-3450, my hardware use hyper-v, and NOS version 4.5.1.

before i reinstall my nutanix its work very well not error. but after reinstall and create container then checklist the make default i got that message.

what my nutanix problem?
This is the same hyper-V environment you were having problems on before.

Can you please open a support ticket, and have our support engineers help you directly?

You can do that on

I've also emailed your account team, and the APAC support director  as well, to let them know we will be expecting a ticket from you.