How to enable network port forwarding on Nutanix AOS/AHV server? | Nutanix Community
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How to enable network port forwarding on Nutanix AOS/AHV server?


Looking for best practices or examples for enabling port-forward traffic from Nutanix AOS/AHV hypervisor to the VM.  

Here is my setup:

  1. Successfully provisioned Nutanix AOS/AHV hypervisor on the PowerEdge server.  
  2. Enabled OS to iDRAC passthrough using PowerEdge iDRAC settings as per the document
  3. Accessing redfish API via OS-iDRAC interface is successful as shown below:  # curl -k{"@odata.context":"/redfish/v1/$metadata#ServiceRoot.ServiceRoot" ….,
  4. Next step I would like to perform similar redfish query from the VMs. How do I enable port-forward using NAT on AOS/AHV; so that PowerEdge iDRAC redfish service network is accessible from VM?  

Thank you.


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