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How to Change Nutanix AHV node uplink from 1G to 10G.

  • 1 August 2023
  • 6 replies

As Nutanix recommended connectivity is 10G but due to some ports availability issue we initially configured Nutanix cluster with 1G but now we are planning to change our Nutanix environment uplink to 10G, any advise will there be any impact or can you share the procedure to change uplinks to 10G. 

Hi Vinodh, 

Go to the virtual switch configuration and change the uplinks to the ports you want, Nutanix will do all necessary steps for you (maintenance mode etc). 

Here is a video showing it:

In the screenshot, you select the correct uplink ports per node and then click save. 

The cluster will zelf reboot each node, 1 at the time. And the cluster will self put all nodes in maintenance and migrate all vm’s of it etc etc. Just link it will do when running LCM. 

So for you, select the correct uplink ports, click save. And watch the magic happens

P.S. Offcourse make sure the switch ports are correct configured, and there the cluster is in a green resiliency state ;) 

Hello Vinodh,

Nice to meet you :)

This is really very easy, make sure your ports are configured properly on the switches then you can use Prism under Network to make the change to the uplinks and it will do one host at a time (maintenance mode etc) and change them over.



@Kcmount Thanks for Reply, Yes we have configured the 10G ports Properly and validated it, so now i need to put Host in Maintenance mode and change the uplinks or is there any KB article for steps. 

@JeroenTielen , Thanks for swift response, U mean Here as shown in below screenshot we just need change it Correct?

First we need to Put Host in Maintenance Mode for each node and we need to manually update it Correct?


@JeroenTielen Thank you.