The default name of the CVM is in the below format:
NTNX-<Block serial number>-<Node position>-CVM
This is what you see as the CVM name in the PRISM. If you want to change the CVM name in your AHV cluster, then we have a script for changing this with the following limitations.
nutanix@cvm:~$ change_cvm_display_name --cvm_ip=<IP of CVM that should be renamed> --cvm_name=<new name>
The script is available in AOS - 5.10.10, 5.15 and 5.16.
The naming convention needs to start with “NTNX-” and end with “-CVM”,
Letters, numbers and “-” are supported in the CVM name,
CVM should be able to get a shutdown token to be turned off,
There will be no redirection of storage traffic to other CVMs, so make sure you have no user vms running in the AHV host - put the AHV host into maintenance mode,
Run the script from a different CVM than the CVM that is being re-named and make sure the SSH session is intact until the re-named CVM comes up.
For more details on the script to change the CVM name in Prism, please check here.