fatal: Mounting installer media | Nutanix Community
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fatal: Mounting installer media

  • September 2, 2019
  • 4 replies

hi all

Im trying to install 4 node nutanix but I got this issue Do you have any idea what is the issue?

this error is the same in this 4 nodes
20190902 16:16:19 INFO Setting cdrom as boot device for next boot
20190902 16:16:35 INFO Next boot device is set to optical
20190902 16:16:35 INFO Power status is off
20190902 16:16:35 INFO Powering up node
20190902 16:16:58 INFO Exiting SMCIPMITool
20190902 16:16:58 ERROR Exception in ) @bcb0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "foundation\decorators.py", line 77, in wrap_method
File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 309, in run
File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 156, in boot_phoenix
File "site-packages\bmc_utils\boot_media.py", line 47, in wrapped
File "site-packages\bmc_utils\remote_boot_rmh.py", line 193, in boot
File "site-packages\bmc_utils\remote_boot_rmh.py", line 240, in boot_from_iso
File "site-packages\pyghmi\ipmi\command.py", line 314, in set_power
IpmiException: timeout
20190902 16:16:58 ERROR Exception in running ) @bcb0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "foundation\imaging_step.py", line 161, in _run
File "foundation\decorators.py", line 77, in wrap_method
File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 309, in run
File "foundation\imaging_step_init_ipmi.py", line 156, in boot_phoenix
File "site-packages\bmc_utils\boot_media.py", line 47, in wrapped
File "site-packages\bmc_utils\remote_boot_rmh.py", line 193, in boot
File "site-packages\bmc_utils\remote_boot_rmh.py", line 240, in boot_from_iso
File "site-packages\pyghmi\ipmi\command.py", line 314, in set_power
IpmiException: timeout
20190902 16:16:58 DEBUG Setting state of ) @bcb0> from RUNNING to FAILED
20190902 16:16:58 DEBUG Setting state of ) @be90> from PENDING to NR
20190902 16:16:58 WARNING Skipping ) @be90> because dependencies not met, failed tasks: [) @bcb0>]

20190902 16:16:58 DEBUG Setting state of ) @be50> from PENDING to NR
20190902 16:16:58 WARNING Skipping ) @be50> because dependencies not met

20190902 16:16:58 DEBUG Setting state of ) @f6b0> from PENDING to NR
20190902 16:16:58 DEBUG Setting state of ) @f6d0> from PENDING to NR
20190902 16:16:58 WARNING Skipping ) @f6b0> because dependencies not met

20190902 16:16:58 WARNING Skipping ) @f6d0> because dependencies not met
This topic has been closed for comments

4 replies

Nutanix Employee
Hi @Jose_orozco

Can you try reset the IPMI on all nodes and try the Foundation process again. Also, please let us know additional details about your setup, like if you are using flat network or VLAN based network, the Foundation version, if using Foundation VM or applet and so on.

  • Voyager
  • 2 replies
  • October 9, 2019
Getting below error while creating cluster on nutanix node

20191009 01:08:17 DEBUG Setting state of ) @ac10> from PENDING to NR
20191009 01:08:17 WARNING Skipping ) @ac10> because dependencies not met, failed tasks: [) @7810>, ) @7250>, ) @7550>, ) @7210>, ) @7590>, ) @7f50>]
20191009 01:08:17 DEBUG Setting state of ) @a1d0> from PENDING to NR
20191009 01:08:17 WARNING Skipping ) @a1d0> because dependencies not met

  • Voyager
  • 2 replies
  • October 9, 2019
getting error in node logs


9 02:38:59 INFO Running ) @c210>
20191009 02:38:59 DEBUG Cache MISS: key(_()_{'global_config': })
20191009 02:38:59 INFO Validating parameters. This may take few minutes
20191009 02:38:59 INFO Validating parameters. This may take few minutes
20191009 02:38:59 INFO Validating parameters. This may take few minutes
20191009 02:38:59 WARNING skip Haswell, Broadwell mix check for cluster
20191009 02:38:59 WARNING tmap was called with empty args and kwargs, ignoring
20191009 02:38:59 INFO Validating whether all members of cluster YIPLSMHPBCLU001 belong to the same arch
20191009 02:39:02 INFO Node with ip is in phoenix. Generating hardware_config.json
20191009 02:39:04 INFO Node with ip is in phoenix. Generating hardware_config.json
20191009 02:39:07 INFO Node with ip is in phoenix. Generating hardware_config.json
20191009 02:39:09 INFO Running one and two node validations
20191009 02:39:12 DEBUG Setting state of ) @c210> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20191009 02:39:12 INFO Completed ) @c210>
20191009 02:39:12 DEBUG Setting state of ) @dad0> from PENDING to RUNNING
20191009 02:39:12 INFO Running ) @dad0>
20191009 02:39:12 INFO Node IP: CVM( HOST( IPMI(
20191009 02:39:12 DEBUG Cache HIT: key(_(u'/home/nutanix/foundation/nos/nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-5.10.7-stable.tar',)_{})
20191009 02:39:12 INFO NOS Version is: 5.10.7
20191009 02:39:12 INFO metadata update: {"nos_version": "5.10.7"}
20191009 02:39:12 DEBUG Setting state of ) @dad0> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20191009 02:39:12 INFO Completed ) @dad0>
20191009 02:39:12 DEBUG Setting state of ) @db50> from PENDING to RUNNING
20191009 02:39:12 INFO Running ) @db50>
20191009 02:39:12 DEBUG Trying to use CVM/Phoenix to start imaging
20191009 02:39:14 ERROR Exception on executing cmd: ['uname', '-m']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "foundation/foundation_tools.py", line 218, in ssh
File "foundation/foundation_tools.py", line 194, in get_ssh_client
File "/home/nutanix/foundation/bin/../lib/py/paramiko-1.18.4-py2.7.egg/paramiko/client.py", line 382, in connect
look_for_keys, gss_auth, gss_kex, gss_deleg_creds, gss_host)
File "/home/nutanix/foundation/bin/../lib/py/paramiko-1.18.4-py2.7.egg/paramiko/client.py", line 624, in _auth
raise saved_exception
AuthenticationException: Authentication failed.
20191009 02:39:14 INFO CVM/Phoenix detected, using it to continue imaging
20191009 02:39:14 DEBUG Setting state of ) @db50> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20191009 02:39:14 INFO Completed ) @db50>
20191009 02:39:14 DEBUG Setting state of ) @8c10> from PENDING to RUNNING
20191009 02:39:14 INFO Running ) @8c10>
20191009 02:39:14 DEBUG Setting state of ) @8c10> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20191009 02:39:14 INFO Completed ) @8c10>
20191009 02:39:14 DEBUG Setting state of ) @8890> from PENDING to RUNNING
20191009 02:39:14 INFO Running ) @8890>
20191009 02:39:14 DEBUG Setting state of ) @8050> from PENDING to RUNNING
20191009 02:39:14 INFO Running ) @8050>
20191009 02:39:14 DEBUG skipped, this node will be imaged via CVM
20191009 02:39:14 DEBUG Setting state of ) @8050> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20191009 02:39:14 INFO Completed ) @8050>
20191009 02:39:15 ERROR Exception on executing cmd: ['uname', '-m']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "foundation/foundation_tools.py", line 218, in ssh
File "foundation/foundation_tools.py", line 194, in get_ssh_client
File "/home/nutanix/foundation/bin/../lib/py/paramiko-1.18.4-py2.7.egg/paramiko/client.py", line 382, in connect
look_for_keys, gss_auth, gss_kex, gss_deleg_creds, gss_host)
File "/home/nutanix/foundation/bin/../lib/py/paramiko-1.18.4-py2.7.egg/paramiko/client.py", line 624, in _auth
raise saved_exception
AuthenticationException: Authentication failed.
20191009 02:39:15 INFO Discovered arch x86_64
20191009 02:39:15 INFO Checking if target node is already in Phoenix
20191009 02:39:16 INFO Target node is running Phoenix. Moving to next step.
20191009 02:39:16 INFO foundation version 4.4.3, phoenix version 4.4.3
20191009 02:39:16 DEBUG Skipping phoenix upgrade as foundation and phoenix are running same version 4.4.3
20191009 02:39:16 INFO Phoenix upgrade not required
20191009 02:39:16 DEBUG Setting state of ) @8890> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20191009 02:39:16 INFO Completed ) @8890>
20191009 02:39:17 DEBUG Setting state of ) @8ad0> from PENDING to RUNNING
20191009 02:39:17 INFO Running ) @8ad0>
20191009 02:39:17 INFO Node with ip is in phoenix. Generating hardware_config.json
20191009 02:39:19 DEBUG not a G7/RAID platform node, skipping RAID checks
20191009 02:39:19 DEBUG Setting state of ) @8ad0> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20191009 02:39:19 INFO Completed ) @8ad0>
20191009 02:39:19 DEBUG Setting state of ) @6d50> from PENDING to RUNNING
20191009 02:39:19 INFO Running ) @6d50>
20191009 02:39:19 INFO Rebooting into staging environment
20191009 02:39:20 DEBUG Cache HIT: key(_(u'/home/nutanix/foundation/nos/nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-5.10.7-stable.tar',)_{})
20191009 02:39:20 INFO NOS version is 5.10.7
20191009 02:39:20 INFO Preparing NOS package (/home/nutanix/foundation/nos/nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-5.10.7-stable.tar)
20191009 02:39:20 DEBUG Cache HIT: key(_(u'/home/nutanix/foundation/nos/nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-5.10.7-stable.tar',)_{})
20191009 02:39:21 DEBUG Recorded system information at /home/nutanix/foundation/log/20191009-023856-21/system_information_10.25.37.153.json
20191009 02:39:22 INFO Node with ip is in phoenix. Generating hardware_config.json
20191009 02:39:24 INFO metadata update: {"hardware_config": {"node": {"storage_controllers": [{"subsystem": "15d9:0808", "name": "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS3008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-3", "mapping": [{"slot_designation": "1", "hba_address": "0", "slot_id": null, "location": {"access_plane": 1, "cell_x": 0, "width": 5, "cell_y": 1, "height": 2}, "led_address": "sas3ircu:0,1:0"}, {"slot_designation": "2", "hba_address": "1", "slot_id": null, "location": {"access_plane": 1, "cell_x": 5, "width": 5, "cell_y": 1, "height": 2}, "led_address": "sas3ircu:0,1:1"}, {"slot_designation": "3", "hba_address": "2", "slot_id": null, "location": {"access_plane": 1, "cell_x": 10, "width": 5, "cell_y": 1, "height": 2}, "led_address": "sas3ircu:0,1:2"}, {"slot_designation": "4", "hba_address": "3", "slot_id": null, "location": {"access_plane": 1, "cell_x": 15, "width": 5, "cell_y": 1, "height": 2}, "led_address": "sas3ircu:0,1:3"}], "address": "1000:0097:0", "attributes": {}, "class": "MPTSAS"}], "misc_device_classes": [{"model": "Tesla M10", "sensors": [{"address": "nvidia_smi:temperature,gpu_temp", "type": "temperature", "max_temp_c": 90}], "type": "GPU", "make": "NVIDIA"}, {"model": "Tesla P40", "sensors": [{"address": "nvidia_smi:temperature,gpu_temp", "type": "temperature", "max_temp_c": 90}], "type": "GPU", "make": "NVIDIA"}], "hba": {"subsystem": "15d9:0808", "name": "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS3008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-3", "mapping": [{"slot_designation": "1", "hba_address": "0", "slot_id": null, "location": {"access_plane": 1, "cell_x": 0, "width": 5, "cell_y": 1, "height": 2}, "led_address": "sas3ircu:0,1:0"}, {"slot_designation": "2", "hba_address": "1", "slot_id": null, "location": {"access_plane": 1, "cell_x": 5, "width": 5, "cell_y": 1, "height": 2}, "led_address": "sas3ircu:0,1:1"}, {"slot_designation": "3", "hba_address": "2", "slot_id": null, "location": {"access_plane": 1, "cell_x": 10, "width": 5, "cell_y": 1, "height": 2}, "led_address": "sas3ircu:0,1:2"}, {"slot_designation": "4", "hba_address": "3", "slot_id": null, "location": {"access_plane": 1, "cell_x": 15, "width": 5, "cell_y": 1, "height": 2}, "led_address": "sas3ircu:0,1:3"}], "address": "1000:0097:0", "attributes": {}, "class": "MPTSAS"}, "cpus": [{"sensors": [{"type": "temperature", "address": "ipmi_sensor:CPU1 Temp"}, {"type": "voltage", "address": "ipmi_sensor:Vcpu1 "}], "description": "cpu 1"}], "model_string": "NX-1175S-G6", "fans": [{"sensors": [{"type": "rpm", "address": "ipmi_sensor:FAN2"}], "description": "fan 2"}, {"sensors": [{"type": "rpm", "address": "ipmi_sensor:FAN3"}], "description": "fan 3"}, {"sensors": [{"type": "rpm", "address": "ipmi_sensor:FAN4"}], "description": "fan 4"}, {"sensors": [{"type": "rpm", "address": "ipmi_sensor:FAN5"}], "description": "fan 5"}, {"sensors": [{"type": "rpm", "address": "ipmi_sensor:FAN6"}], "description": "fan 6"}], "node_number": 1, "location": {"access_plane": 2, "cell_x": 0, "width": 6, "cell_y": 0, "height": 4}, "memory": [{"sensors": [{"type": "temperature", "address": "ipmi_sensor:P1-DIMMA1 Temp"}, {"type": "voltage", "address": "ipmi_sensor:VDIMMP1ABC"}], "description": "dimm p1a1"}, {"sensors": [{"type": "temperature", "address": "ipmi_sensor:P1-DIMMB1 Temp"}, {"type": "voltage", "address": "ipmi_sensor:VDIMMP1ABC"}], "description": "dimm p1b1"}, {"sensors": [{"type": "temperature", "address": "ipmi_sensor:P1-DIMMC1 Temp"}, {"type": "voltage", "address": "ipmi_sensor:VDIMMP1ABC"}], "description": "dimm p1c1"}, {"sensors": [{"type": "temperature", "address": "ipmi_sensor:P1-DIMMD1 Temp"}, {"type": "voltage", "address": "ipmi_sensor:VDIMMP1DEF"}], "description": "dimm p1d1"}, {"sensors": [{"type": "temperature", "address": "ipmi_sensor:P1-DIMME1 Temp"}, {"type": "voltage", "address": "ipmi_sensor:VDIMMP1DEF"}], "description": "dimm p1e1"}, {"sensors": [{"type": "temperature", "address": "ipmi_sensor:P1-DIMMF1 Temp"}, {"type": "voltage", "address": "ipmi_sensor:VDIMMP1DEF"}], "description": "dimm p1f1"}], "sensors": [{"type": "temperature", "address": "ipmi_sensor:System Temp"}], "boot_device": {"controller": "HBA:8086:a1d2:0", "mapping": [{"slot_designation": "0", "slot_id": null, "port": "3", "preferred": true}], "structure": "ONLY_HYPERVISOR"}, "hardware_attributes": {"two_node_cluster": true, "default_workload": "vdi", "one_node_cluster": true, "robo_mixed_hypervisor": true, "no_conventional_cluster": true, "lcm_family": "smc_gen_11", "maybe_1GbE_only": true}}, "version": 1, "chassis": {"height_u": 1, "num_nodes": 1, "access_planes": [{"rows": 4, "type": "chassis_front", "id": 1, "columns": 20, "description": "Front of chassis"}, {"rows": 4, "type": "chassis_rear", "id": 2, "columns": 10, "description": "Rear of chassis"}], "class": "SMIPMI", "power_supplies": [{"sensors": [{"discrete_response_mask": 15, "type": "discrete", "discrete_response_expected": 1, "address": "ipmi_sensor:PS1 Status"}], "description": "power supply 1", "location": {"access_plane": 2, "cell_x": 6, "width": 2, "cell_y": 0, "height": 4}}, {"sensors": [{"discrete_response_mask": 15, "type": "discrete", "discrete_response_expected": 1, "address": "ipmi_sensor:PS2 Status"}], "description": "power supply 2", "location": {"access_plane": 2, "cell_x": 8, "width": 2, "cell_y": 0, "height": 4}}]}}}
20191009 02:39:25 INFO Boot device WWN: 500a075122fcce42
20191009 02:39:26 INFO Boot device serial: 192822FCCE42
20191009 02:39:27 INFO Copied /home/nutanix/foundation/templates/crystal_plat_reference.json to phoenix at ip
20191009 02:39:30 ERROR Command '/bin/cat /active_nic/address' returned error code 1

/bin/cat: /active_nic/address: No such file or directory

20191009 02:39:31 ERROR Command 'cat /tmp/online_interfaces' returned error code 1

cat: /tmp/online_interfaces: No such file or directory

20191009 02:39:31 INFO This node is not a gold node
20191009 02:39:31 ERROR Command '/usr/bin/ipmicfg-linux.x86_64 -tp info' returned error code 13

Not TwinPro

20191009 02:39:32 ERROR Command '/usr/bin/ipmicfg-linux.x86_64 -tp nodeid' returned error code 13

Not TwinPro

20191009 02:39:32 DEBUG Setting state of ) @6d50> from RUNNING to FINISHED
20191009 02:39:32 INFO Completed ) @6d50>
20191009 02:39:32 DEBUG Setting state of ) @6790> from PENDING to RUNNING
20191009 02:39:32 INFO Running ) @6790>
20191009 02:39:32 DEBUG Setting state of ) @6590> from PENDING to RUNNING
20191009 02:39:32 INFO Making node specific Phoenix json. This may take few minutes
20191009 02:39:32 INFO Running ) @6590>
20191009 02:39:32 DEBUG Cache HIT: key(_(u'/home/nutanix/foundation/nos/nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-5.10.7-stable.tar',)_{})
20191009 02:39:32 DEBUG Skipping non serializable keys: ['graph', 'imaging_thread', 'tasks', '_session_config', '_events']
20191009 02:39:32 DEBUG Cache HIT: key(_(u'/home/nutanix/foundation/nos/nutanix_installer_package-release-euphrates-5.10.7-stable.tar',)_{})
20191009 02:39:32 DEBUG Cache HIT: key(_('/home/nutanix/foundation/lib/driver/kvm/anaconda.tar.gz',)_{})
20191009 02:39:32 DEBUG Cache HIT: key(_('/home/nutanix/foundation/lib/driver/kvm/rpms/OM-iSM-Dell-Web-LX-340-1471_A00.tar.gz',)_{})
20191009 02:39:32 DEBUG Cache HIT: key(_('/home/nutanix/foundation/lib/driver/kvm/rpms/DellPTAgent-1.9.0-371.x86_64.rpm',)_{})
20191009 02:39:32 DEBUG Cache MISS: key(_('/home/nutanix/foundation/tmp/sessions/20191009-023856-21/files/arizona.node_10.25.37.153.json',)_{})
20191009 02:39:44 INFO A previous Phoenix failure detected. Clearing temp files
20191009 02:39:46 INFO Start downloading resources, this may take several minutes
20191009 02:39:47 INFO Waiting for Phoenix to finish downloading resources
20191009 02:39:48 INFO Model detected: NX-1175S-G6
20191009 02:39:49 INFO vpd_info {'node_serial': 'OM196S020810', 'vpd_method': None, 'cluster_id': 1945744289975860186, 'rackable_unit_serial': '19SM59330008'}
20191009 02:39:49 INFO Using node_serial from FRU
20191009 02:39:49 INFO Using block_id from FRU
20191009 02:39:49 INFO Using cluster_id from FRU
20191009 02:39:49 CRITICAL Node position must be specified
20191009 02:39:49 ERROR Exception in running ) @6590>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "foundation/imaging_step.py", line 161, in _run
File "foundation/imaging_step_hypervisor.py", line 45, in run
File "foundation/imaging_step.py", line 350, in wait_for_event
StandardError: Received fatal in waiting for event Running CVM Installer: Node position must be specified
20191009 02:39:49 DEBUG Setting state of ) @6590> from RUNNING to FAILED
20191009 02:39:49 WARNING Foundation timed out waiting for phoenix to download resources. Fataling other imaging steps which are waiting
20191009 02:39:49 ERROR Exception in ) @6790>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "foundation/decorators.py", line 77, in wrap_method
File "foundation/imaging_step_phoenix.py", line 263, in run
File "foundation/imaging_step.py", line 350, in wait_for_event
StandardError: Received fatal in waiting for event Running CVM Installer: Node position must be specified
20191009 02:39:49 ERROR Exception in running ) @6790>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "foundation/imaging_step.py", line 161, in _run
File "foundation/decorators.py", line 77, in wrap_method
File "foundation/imaging_step_phoenix.py", line 263, in run
File "foundation/imaging_step.py", line 350, in wait_for_event
StandardError: Received fatal in waiting for event Running CVM Installer: Node position must be specified
20191009 02:39:49 DEBUG Setting state of ) @6790> from RUNNING to FAILED

  • Voyager
  • 2 replies
  • January 13, 2020

Hi nikhilkumar,


For the error “A node must be especified” take a look at the second tab in Foundation VM or applet installer (tab NODES). You must need to especify the nodes order (A,B,C,D) at the colunm nodes. I had a similar issue, because I forget to especify the order, and all my nodes were with “A”

I hope this can help you.



