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Error installing NGT on Linux VM

  • 16 November 2022
  • 5 replies

Hello, I would like to install NGT on Linux Centos 7


Create one more cd-rom for mounting the VM you want to install


I know that the prism selects Manage Guest Tools as follows and then proceeds with the installation,


but if it stops at the following steps, where should I check?


I'd appreciate it if you could give me an answer

Hello @junsu 

To install and use the NGT feature in a VM, you must first enable the NGT feature (allow the installation and usage of NGT) in a VM and then mount the NGT installer (ISO disk file) in that VM by using the Prism Element web console.

To Enable NGT:

  1. Log on to the Prism Element web console.
  2. In the drop-down list of the main menu, select VM and select the Table view.
  3. Select the VM for which you want to enable NGT and click Manage Guest Tools.The Manage Guest Tools dialog box appears. In the Manage Guest Tools dialog box, in addition to enabling the NGT feature and mounting the NGT installer, you must also select the NGT applications that you want to use in a VM.

    Do the following in the indicated fields.

    1. Enable Nutanix Guest Tools. Select this check box to enable the NGT feature in the selected VM.
    2. Mount Nutanix Guest Tools. Select this check box to mount the NGT installer on the selected VM.


Hi Hindawi

In this way, an error is occurring on the screen like above

Is there anything else I can check?

You need to install the ngt tools with the following command: 

sudo python /mnt/installer/linux/

offcourse the mount should be done first.  

Follow these step and revert:

You can run the following command to verify if NGT is already installed in the Linux guest VM.

$ sudo service ngt_guest_agent statusIf NGT is installed, the command displays the following output.
Nutanix Guest Agent is running.
  1. Log on to the Linux VM.
  2. Determine the directory in which the CD is mounted.

    You can use one of the following commands to display the directory where the CD is mounted:

      blkid -L NUTANIX_TOOLS
      lsblk -o NAME, LABEL -nl

    The second command displays a list of directories. You must look for a directory with its label as NUTANIX_TOOLS.

  3. Create a temporary directory (/mnt) and mount the content of the CD in the temporary directory you created.
    $ sudo mount /dev/directory-name /mnt

    Replace directory-name with the directory that you determined in step 2. For example, sr0 or sr1.

  4. Install NGT.
    $ sudo python /mnt/installer/linux/

I typed the command
I think I'm looking for the wrong route, so I'll look for more