Application Monitoring | Nutanix Community
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Application monitoring provides visibility into integrated applications by collecting application metrics using Nutanix and third-party collectors, providing a single pane of glass for both application and infrastructure data, correlating application instances with virtual infrastructure and providing deep insights into applications performance metrics.

Application monitoring provides visibility into the following applications

  • Microsoft SQL server

  • VMware vCenter Server

The monitoring integrations dashboard allows you to view information about select applications, such as SQL Server or vCenter instances, running in the cluster.

To access the monitoring integrations dashboard, select Operations -> Integrations from the entities menu. The monitoring integrations dashboard allows you to view the summary information about application instances and access detailed information about each instance.

You can filter the list by opening the filter pane to select one or more of the filter options

  • Name: Check the box, select a condition from the pull-down list (contains, Doesn’t contain, Starts with, Ends with, or Equal to ) and enter a string in the field to filter the list for instances with that string in the name.

  • Type: check the Microsoft SQL server or vCenter box to filter the list for that application type

  • Health Status: Check the Active or failed ox to filter the list for active or failed application status.

To modify application monitoring for an instance, do the following:

  1. Go to the monitoring integrations dashboard, select the target instance in the list and then select Update from the Actions menu pull-down list.

  2. To modify one or more parameters, change the entry in the appropriate field(s), click the Test connection button to verify changes and then click the Save button.

  3. To remove application monitoring for an instance, select the target instance in the list and then select Delete from the Actions menu pull-down list. The entry for that instance disappears from the list

For future reference, please follow Application Monitoring

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