hienle wrote:
Hi@sbarab @Mutahir
Thanks a lot for your recommendation,
Do you know how can I confirm that which container I have uploaded it to?
As you know, when using Prism Central to upload image, it does not allow us to specify any container so far.
Hi Hienle,
thank you for the update.
- Can you share the Prism central version and AOS version you are using?
- Were you able to confirm via Prism Central > virtual infrastructure > Images that virtio.iso was there?
you can also try to list the images on this cluster via:
acli image.list | grep <isoname>
This should list the iso with it’s image uuid - you can than use the following command to get more details about that iso / image:
acli image.get <image uuid we got from the first command output>
I would first confirm whether the ISO is visible via prism central > images in order to ensure it was successfully uploaded.
Kind regards