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What is Nutanix Era?

  • 29 September 2020
  • 0 replies

Era is a database as a service (DBaaS) that automates and simplifies database administration, brings one-click simplicity and invisible operations to database provisioning and life-cycle management. Era enables database administrators to provision, clone, and refresh the database clones to any point in time. Era allows administrators to define standards for their database provisioning needs with end-state driven functionality that includes High Availability (HA) database deployments. Era automates and simplifies the operations such as provisioning of databases and copy data management.

Era enables you to easily provision database environments (either production or otherwise) on your Nutanix clusters. Also, you can only provision the database server VM that hosts a database, so that you can later create or clone databases on that database server. Era provisioning service includes the following components:

  • Database engines: Custom software images that are tailor-made to enterprise needs.

  • Database profiles: Customizable database profiles for software, compute, networking, and database parameters.

  • Database recovery SLAs: Customizable recovery SLAs for continuous, daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs).

Era enables you to clone your source databases (running on Nutanix clusters) and refresh the database clones by using snapshots or transaction logs. Era copy data management service includes the following components:

  • Time Machine. Collects logs and snapshots from the database.

  • One-click cloning and refresh. Zero-byte database clones to any point in time.

  • One-click backup. Database operations for backing up any size database in a full database consistent manner.

Era offers the following features for several database engines:

  • One-click provisioning, patching, and life-cycle management

  • One-click cloning and refresh

  • One-click back up and restore

For more information on ERA please refer to the following documentation:

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