v3 API primer | Nutanix Community
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v3 API primer

  • September 18, 2020
  • 3 replies

  • Nutanix Employee
  • 10 replies

As Nutanix is constantly striving to be an API driven company and exposing more of its core functionality via API’s as well as improving integration with tools such as Ansible and Terraform, we hope you have been making the most of it.


For example, did you know how to check the status of NGT and the NGT communication link using API’s?


It is easily obtainable using the v3 REST API exposed from your Prism Central.


Issue a GET request to 



Filter through the response to find a block similar to this. 


      "guest_tools": {

        "nutanix_guest_tools": {

          "available_version": "1.90.1",

          "ngt_state": "INSTALLED",

          "iso_mount_state": "MOUNTED",

          "state": "ENABLED",

          "version": "1.1.2",

          "enabled_capability_list": [



          "guest_os_version": "windows:64:WindowsServer2008R2Enterprise",

          "is_reachable": false





Let’s say after that, you wanted to change the IP address of the VM.


Issue a PUT request to




And send this in the request body (plug in the required IP address and NIC UUID)



  "update_list": [


      "ip": "string",

      "uuid": "string"





Now how about if you wanted to send both of the above calls (and more) in one single API call? That is possible by leveraging the batch API.


Issue a POST request to




And send this in the request body.



  "execution_order": "SEQUENTIAL",

  "action_on_failure": "CONTINUE",

  "api_request_list": [


      "operation": "GET",

      "path_and_params": "/api/nutanix/v3/vms/<vm_uuid>"

      "body": {}    



      "operation": "PUT",

      "path_and_params": "/api/nutanix/v3/vms/<vm_uuid>/update_ip"

      "body": {

       "update_list": [


           "ip": "string",

           "uuid": "string"






  "api_version": "3.1.0"



For more examples, please feel free to take a look at our code samples hosted at nutanix.dev.


Let us know your API success stories!


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3 replies


I tried to Update my VM ip with the above solution for 2 VM but I am getting 404 not found error, Can someone help me with this.




404 not found



  "update_list": [


      "ip": "192.168.199.***",

      "uuid": "e2733d02-5143-473e-8234-0ea05d306***"




gauravgupta19111990 wrote:

I tried to Update my VM ip with the above solution for 2 VM but I am getting 404 not found error, Can someone help me with this.




404 not found



  "update_list": [


      "ip": "192.168.199.***",

      "uuid": "e2733d02-5143-473e-8234-0ea05d306***"





Hi -


Please ensure you are using the Prism Central IP address, not the Prism Element IP address.  Due to this request making use of the v3 Prism APIs, it should only be submitted to Prism Central.


I have tested this just now and confirmed the info provided above does work.  :)



Got it, My network was not managed that’s why it wasn’t working.

One question here, are we only allow to set Dynamic IPs while creating VMs. Can’t we set static IP as well? Plz suggest.

Thanks Chris,