SATADOM upgrade hit by APD/VMCP issue | Nutanix Community
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While doing LifeCycle Manager (LCM) upgrades, Nutanix infrastructure customers could encounter failures on the SATADOM upgrade on a ESXi Host, with the message:

"Operation failed. Reason: Lcm prechecks detected 2 issues that would cause upgrade failures.

Check 'test_hypervisor_config' failed with 'Failure reason: APD/VMCP feature is enabled on cluster, Please disable, Please refer KB 6470'

Check 'test_min_phoenix_version' failed with 'Failure reason: APD/VMCP feature is enabled on cluster, Please disable, Please refer KB 6470'


You can try disabling the APD using the following command on the Host:

# esxcfg-advcfg -s 0 /Misc/APDHandlingEnable


From experience I can tell you that this does not always resolve the issue.  It may be necessary, on certain occasions, to access the VMware vCenter, through possibly the vSphere Web Client, and do the following:

Access the Hosts page

Click on the Host in question

Click on Manage

Go to Advanced System Settings

Search for “APD”

Modify Misc.APDHandlingEnable and change it to 0

This should help resolve the APD/VMCP issue.  You should now be able to successfully complete the SATADOM upgrade, though it might take 25 to 30 minutes for the software download from the Nutanix portal website to complete.

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