
Get Only AHV VMs

  • 22 August 2019
  • 1 reply

Using PowerShell and AOS 5.11 connecting to Prism Central of mixed hypervisor environment (VMware and AHV), is there a quick way to return just the AHV VM's?

I see there are some search string, filter criteria, etc.. options for Get-NTNXVM

Right now, there are 1600 VMs and the ones I am looking for are AHV.

I can retrieve the whole list from Prism Central but I wondered if I could have it only send a filtered list.

$VMList = Get-NTNXVM | Where { $_.acropolisVm -eq "True" } but that reads all 1600 VMs from Prism Central...


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Userlevel 4
Badge +19
@TimothyGaray I have tried the same on a 5.10.6 PC and command works . It only lists the AHV VMs