Exporting Flow Security Policies | Nutanix Community
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Exporting Flow Security Policies

  • Nutanix Employee
  • 4 replies

Do you already have many security policies defined within one instance of Flow and, have another instance where you need the same set of policies but do not wish to recreate them? Or, do you wish to simply have a backup of your existing security policies just in case you should ever need to restore them sometime in the future?

Flow has the native ability to export (and subsequently import) security policies that have already been defined previously. Policies are exported into a single binary file, which can then be transferred to a different instance of Flow or stored-away for backup purposes.

Please also note that, when importing a previously exported binary file, any existing policies which are already defined within a given Flow instance are automatically removed in-favor of the newly imported policies.

You can find more information regarding this within the Exporting and Importing Security Policies section of the Flow Microsegmentation Guide.

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