Check the number of CPUs, Cores and Threads in your Cluster

  • 5 February 2020
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Userlevel 3
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Let’s say that you want to dive deeper into the performance of your AHV cluster to understand if the resource allocation has been done correctly and to check how many CPUs, Cores per CPU and Threads reside on each host.

To see the CPU components, SSH to a CVM in your cluster and run ”hostssh lscpu”:


The result above is an output example of one node, for this host there are:

  • Sockets = 2
  • Cores per socket = 6 (2x6 = 12 in total)
  • Threads per core = 2 (2x12 = 24 in total)
  • CPUs = 24 (threads in total)

If you wish to see more information for each of the 24 CPUs on this host you can run "cat /proc/cpuinfo" on a host shell (not through the CVM).

To jump from the CVM to it’s host, run “ssh root@” and run the command above.

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