Backup for Files Analytics VM | Nutanix Community
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Nutanix provides an option to recover the Files analytics data after a planned or unplanned (disaster) migration to the remote site.


To perform disaster recovery, we need to deploy and enable Files Analytics on the remote site. Once the Files Analytics virtual machine (FAVM) is deployed on the remote site we can restore the data using a snapshot of the volume group from the primary FAVM.


A brief summary of the steps is as follows:

  1. Create a protection domain on the primary site protecting the File_Analytics_VG (this is the Files Analytics volume group) and replicate to the remote site by creating a schedule depending on the requirements.

  2. Deploy a new Files Analytics instance on the remote site. The remote site requires an iSCSI data service IP address to configure FAVM on the remote site.

  3. On the remote site, create a new volume group by restoring the snapshot of the File_Analytics_VG.

  4. Configure the iSCSI so that the new FAVM connects to the new volume group.


The detailed steps and commands to perform a successful failover are mentioned in the below portal document:

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